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.Her voice was low.He discovered he had no words.He had meant to play her game with her, all courtesy and fakes.Buteverything about her was sex.Though she was not to be tumbled like the she-wolves, heated and quick,every line of her said Take me.He would have to leave it all to her.Perhaps that was the idea.She conducted him to the couch, and gave him a wine bowl of silver.Lovers performed acts thereonthat, when he caught glimpses, startled him.The wine was black and spicy.Something in it?Soon, she made him lie back upon the couch.She undid his clothes with damning competence.Shebegan to do things to his body, with her hands, with a fan of feathers she took up, with smooth strigils ofenamel.He need do nothing.She worked on him like a complacently smiling physician.She removed herown garment only when he had showed himself ready, as if to reward him.She was small, with roundbreasts, round heavy hips, an indented waist, strong thighs.Her feet and ankles, like her hands andwrists, her face, were delicately shaped.She was fleshy but firm, like a satiny fruit.Her lips were the same.When she absorbed his penis into her mouth he was half alarmed.She seemed to have no teeth.When she drew on him, he almost could not check himself.He held back with some trouble, wanting topossess her.She seemed to read this from his eyes, let him go and mounted him, and took him in again atthe second mouth, the mouth he wanted most.She performed all the labour, she also controlled him with a wicked, subservient mastery, not permittinghim to ejaculate at first, reining him by a strange pressure at the base of the column.When his seed didspurt, it came in a convulsion.He had seldom if ever known a climax so intense.He found, astonishedwhen she removed herself from him, that she had also penetrated him.She went away briefly, while he lay there, and returned freshly robed, carrying the wine-cup, which sheoffered on her knees.Unlike the other whores, she had made no pretence of her own pleasure.Neither had she shown awhore's aversion, any impatience or indifference.She had been created for his use.It was as natural asthat.When he had drunk the wine and sat up, she said, "It grieves me that my lord must leave me so soon.ButI too have some tiresome business that must be completed this evening.I shall number the days, until mylord's return."Vusca was better able to take up the game, now.He said, "I'd meant to buy you a present, Lililla, butfound nothing worthy of you.If I left this purse, perhaps you may know of some small thing that mightdivert you a moment?" He reached among his clothes and handed her the purse, open just enough shecould see he had been generous again."My lord's kindness will enhance any gift a thousand times," said she.Vusca was aware his kindness would go straight into the coffer.When he left he was untired, for she had done all the work, and the extreme ejaculation seemed to haverobbed him of nothing.He felt fit and jaunty, and congratulated himself on having found her.Though shewas rather costly, he could afford a luxury now and then.He had no others.He began to visit Lililla quite regularly every third or fourth week.He did not know who her other clientswere (certainly not Dianus).They were reticent, and so was he.He and she never talked, beyond short beginning and concluding euphemisms.She wanted noconversation.She wanted, though never appeared interested in, only money.On several occasions, if hewas willing, they did things he had never before heard of, let alone experienced.These things were neverstrenuous on his part, and she seemed a creature with wax for bones.She always welcomed him smiling,and with an obeisance.Her face was not loving, or liking, bored or sly.It simply was, without pretence.She was perfect.Until, near the summer's end, Retullus Vusca went to the house of Lililla and everything altered.That was a rainy twilight, with a lilac tinge to the hills and sky.Even the stones and plaster, the tiled roofs,had a mauve, wet, lizardskin sheen.He knocked, the porter admitted him.In the lobby he smelled that the aroma of the place was wrong.The gums burning were swarthier, more cloying.In the tank of the atrium the rain plopped.They walkedaround under the covered area, and the man with the dogs was absent.The central room was in a mist, a sort of damson gloaming like the streets outside. The slave shut the doors.Vusca saw where the smoke came from.A large skull, perhaps of a bear, saton one of the inlaid tables, and resins were fuming out of it.She was on the far side, dim through the smitch.He said harshly, "By the Bull, can'tyou get rid of that thing."Then she stood up, and he saw, with a peculiar clutch somewhere in his loins, that she was clad like somekind of priestess.One breast was bare, and her body bound in a tight garment crossed diagonally bywhite fringes.On her head was a wig of mulberry black, in ringlets with silver discs on them.Her armswere gripped by bangles of slick black lacquer.Was this some new sexual gambit? He did not care for it if it was."Lililla - ' he said.She said, "Lord, I have had omens.When this happens, I am not my own.Come here, you must attend."He was disgusted.Very nearly frightened.And there was the same slithering in his veins he had felt at theinitiation to the Rites of Mithras, when he was only seventeen.He had a veneration for the gods.After a minute, he went to her, and when she told him to sit, did so,gazing at her through the choking smut from the skull.Presently she started to croon, to sway like a serpent.He thought of the sybils, inhaling volcanic vapours,prophesying, reading riddles.He did not want this to occur.He did not want any of this.He decided,sourly, if she was prone to this, he would not come here again.It was a shame, but he might have knownthere would be a flaw.She stopped crooning and swaying.The smoke was thick in his nostrils, his mouth seemed coated by it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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