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.Jamber Fausse took a long look at him, then strolled across to Adelaar. Yabass, he said.She started, looked round. A minute.Let me fin-ish this.He waited, hands clasped behind him, watching lines of symbol and numberflicker in and out so fast no one who didn t already know what they were couldtake them in.The schematic of the Bridge returned sud-denly, the green linesoverlaid with red.Adelaar con-templated them a moment, then looked over hershoulder,  What is it? What s this Parnalee know you don t know?Quale frowned at the screen. You ve shut him out? Right.He can t hear us now.Jamber Fausse looked at the screen, then from one Outsider to the other. What s he know you don t?She pushed the chair around so she didn t have to keep stretching her neck. Obviously he thinks he can take her away from me. Can he? How the hell do I know? All I can do is scramble this Brain so radically hecouldn t possibly straighten it out before she drops in Horgul. You re sure? I m sure.Jamber Fausse looked down at his hands; he held them palms up, thumbs out,fingers cupped in fingers; he looked at them as if he read Parnalee s mind inthe lines and folds. He may be crazy, but he s no fool.Has to be somethingelse.After a moment s strained silence, Quale said,  Mon-arch class Warmaster.Theyoungest it could be is ten thousand, more likely around fifteen.My Slancywas built around then.Rummul Empire Trooper.The Rummul were the ones thatbuilt most of the Warmasters, so she could know something about them.We neverbothered purging Memory; matter of fact, some of the bits in there have beenuseful for this and that, so when she needed more capacity, we just added iton.Del, you think you could punch a line to her without him knowing? He ll know something s happening, not what. He knows that now, with you cutting him off like this. Your point.Give me room, this is going to get delicate at times, I ll letPage 167 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlyou know when I m ready to link.12Kinok skritched two of ves tentacles together, sound-ing ves irritation atbeing drawn away from an erotic rite ve was performing with vesself and vesnew Kahat and a drivehead.After some more strident grumbling which the infantKahat didn t bother translating, ve allowed vesself to be talked into a degreeof reason-ableness. Call up Oldest Memory for me, Quale said. Ref-erence Monarch ClassWarmaster. You are not getting involved with that fancy, are you?Quale blinked.The words were dismissive, but Kinok somehow managed to infusethe light tenor of the translator with a degree of wistful longing moreappro-priate to the romantic hero of some operatic fantasy.He opened hismouth, intending to explain what he planned to do with the Warmaster, changedhis mind before more than a croak got out.He d run into difficulties beforewith Kinok, over things that seemed eminently reasonable to him but whichslammed into one or more of the Paem s peculiar religious and moral tenets.Killing the Warmaster meant killing her drives and he was willing to bet thatKinok would object strenuously to being connected in any way with the death ofa set of drives.He thought about the voice tone.Especially if the Paem wasgetting his roots in a twist about this particular set.Erotic passion didweird things to the panter; he winced as a few of his own more idioticobsessions went floating across his mind. Not involved, he said. Just pulltogether every-thing you can find and squirt it over to us, we ll keep theline open. It is in progress, the translator said. How much longer is Slancy stayingat this place? Getting bored, Kinok? Ve-who-speaks is never bored; only a stupid mind, a mind gross andunspiritual grows bored.Ve-who--speaks merely wishes the answer to anordinary question. Ah.Not so ordinary.With luck, two three days, maybe four. That is heard with pleasure.Ve-who-speaks will prepare the blessings andready our Slancy for the run. Get her ready for trouble, too, Kinok my friend.We might have a hot welcomewhen we shift out of the insplit. Ve-who-speaks has had our Slancy listening.Her ears have tingled not once.Ve-who-speaks believes those on that world still do not know that they havevisitors. That could change fast. There is something you are not telling ve-who--speaks, Swar.Tell it. Things are happening onworld, Kinok; we ll be finishing up our collectingwith the Imperator s Palace.That s bound to be noisy.There was a cool silence from the speaker.On the screen, Kinok s plummyscattered eyes had a skeptical glitter that Quale had no difficulty reading.There were going to be some difficult days ahead.Damn all idiot religions,they never caused anything but trouble for everyone around them, believers ornot.He heard the ting that announced the arrival of Slancy s data andsuppressed a sigh of relief. Talk to you later, Kinok; we ve got some clearing up here.13.redundancy, Aslan translated, sliding into the summary at the end of thedataflow, her voice husky, dry as her throat.Elmas Ofka sat in the kingchair,her eyes fixed on the great screen, on words she couldn t read, numbers shecouldn t decipher; faced with Parnalee s defection and the unhappy realizationthat he d used her fears and prejudices to undercut her and threateneverything she was fighting for, she d swung back to a tooth-end trust inAslan. It is ru-mored, Aslan continued,  that even the mainBrain isduplicated; if it is damaged seriously enough, a sisterBrain takes charge.Oh,I see.Forget that, Hanifa, just me realizing what Parnalee is up to.Um, yes,Page 168 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlthese rumors call her the Dark Sister because she is supposed to be programmedto attack without cease until the ship prevails or is destroyed.Analystsstudy-ing the Warmaster have reported that they are unable to discover anyclues to the location or even the exis-tence of the Dark Sister [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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