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.Perhaps you could approach Melody to arrange a meeting with a CEO ofa firm who might be interested in building the machine.You could pitch it asa breakthrough that could make the investor millions."Westcott kissed the phone with a loud smacking sound. I love you, Raven.You're a genius.All I have to do is convince Melody.""That may not be that easy, Lover.She's on some kind of religious kick rightnow.She acts like she really doesn't want Michael back."Page 42 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"That may be, but I don't think she really wants to leave him in Morgaine'sclutches."They spoke for a few minutes longer about trivialities.After Raven hung up,she laid back down and soon fell asleep.She began to dream.In her dream shewas wandering around a dark medieval castle.Something was familiar about it.After a while she realized that it was whereMichael Ellul was being held prisoner.She wondered how she came to be in thedimension where he existed.She shivered with cold terror.What if Morgaine orone of her demons caught her? Torture was not out of the question.She listened at the doors along the gloomy corridor.She heard nothing untilshe came to the end of the corridor.Soft moaning came from the last room.Sheslowly opened it a crack and peered in.Moonlight coming through a windowshowed a man chained to the opposite wall.Although she could not see hisface, she was sure that it was Michael.She slipped into the room and lookedaround.It was a woman's bedroom.Morgaine's room, she thought.The bed was made and empty.It was obvious that the witch was elsewhere.Ravenapproached the chained man. Michael, she whispered. Are you all right?"Michael looked up. Who's there? Is that you, Morgaine?""It's Raven.""Oh, thank Hecate, you found me.I think Morgaine is trying to give me apotion to make me fall in love with her.So far, I've resisted eating ordrinking anything.But I'm getting weaker.I don't know if I can hold out muchlonger."Raven approached him and yanked on the chains attached to Michael withshackles.They were quite strong, and there did not seem to be any way to openthem. Michael, I can't get these off.""They open and close using a spell.But first get me something to drink.There's a jug of water on the night stand.Morgaine drinks from it, so I knowit's not adulterated."Raven filled a glass from the jug and brought it to Michael, who drank it downwithout removing the glass from his lips.When he finally put it down, hesaid,  I feel better.I was so thirsty. He paused as though in thought. Iknow the spell to unshackle myself.Morgaine grew careless once when shereleased me for exercise.I read her lips while she mumbled the spell. Hesaid words that sounded like nonsense syllables to Raven's ears, and themanacles fell from his wrists and ankles.As he stretched himself to get the kinks out, Raven could not help but admirethe musculature of his chest and abdomen.Michael was a well-built man, and hewore only a brief that barely covered his genitals.He grabbed Raven and hugged her in gratitude for coming to rescue him.Ravenenjoyed the sensation of his manly body against her.It was something she hadfantasized often since she met him.After he stepped away, however, an odd thought struck her.If he knew how tofree himself, why hadn't he.She asked him."It would have done no good unless I had a way back to our own dimension.Iwas waiting for someone who knew of a gateway to act.Otherwise Morgainewould've caught me and placed a different spell on the manacles.C'mon Raven,show me the way back to the real world before Morgaine returns."She bowed her head in regret. I can't.I don't even know how I got here.Iwas resting in my room atThe Church of Omega.Suddenly I was here in this castle.""Oh no.It's a trap then.Your physical body is not really here.""It isn't? She thought, That embrace sure felt like it was my physical body."Morgaine must've sent your aura to this place and a demon to possess you.This is terrible.I was afraid of something like this since you and my otherfriends contacted during that seance.Like me, you're trapped in thisdimension for eternity."Page 43 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlRaven asked,  Is there no escape?""Not that I'm aware of."Although Raven trembled like a leaf with terror, she said,  Now that you'refree, can't we try to find a way?"Michael thought for a moment. Y'know, centuries ago when I first metMorgaine, we attended aUniversity of Sorcery together.I've heard her speak of a gateway to thatdimension somewhere in the underground catacombs of this castle.Let's go downthere.""But how can we get out of that dimension?""There are several gateways in the university.One I know leads to a museum inNew York City.That's how Morgaine came to the college.She called it, TheMuseum of Fantastic Art.She said she walked into a painting.It's worth atry.Let's go."They exited his room and headed down a gloomy stone stairwell.Down and downthey went in what seemed like a never-ending spiral.Raven shivered with thecold coming from the moldy damp walls.As they descended further, she heardstrange noises just above the threshold of hearing.It sounded like thefaraway screams and groans of people being tortured.An unpleasant odorassailed her nostrils.She had a feeling of creeping horror that the shadowystairwell was filled with unseen evil creatures.And that something ugly, eviland horrible waited at the bottom of the well."Wh-where does this lead? she asked through chattering teeth.She wonderedhow Michael could stand being almost naked in the cold and nasty place."To the land of the dead, he replied in solemn tones.The hairs on Raven's neck rose.Her knees felt as though they were turning towater, and she became lightheaded with fear.She stumbled against Michael.Heput a strong arm around her to keep her from falling.She leaned against him. I'm so frightened, Michael.I don't know whether I can go on.""We'll rest for a while.The entrance to the catacombs is not much further."They sat on the stairs.Michael's arm around Raven's shoulder was a comfort.She gazed into his face.Those penetrating eyes of his sent waves of heat into her body.She raised ahand to Michael's cheek. Oh Michael, do you think escape is possible?"He smiled. There must be a way.Y'know Raven, until now I never noticed howbeautiful you are. He brushed his lips against hers lightly.She put both arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately.Michael whispered,  Once we're out of here, we should become lovers.I'vealways admired you.""What about Melody?""She and I will never be together again.We were never really compatible.Shehated Moonwood, disliked my friends and blamed all our troubles on my interestin the occult. He shrugged. Perhaps she's right."Raven smiled back at him.He was a dreadfully handsome man.She did not knowwhether she would want him forever, but at the moment she was feverish withfeeling for him.If he made one move in that direction, she would tear off herclothes and make love with him on the stone steps.As they cuddled, Raven heard footsteps coming towards them.She and Michaelrose quickly, but not quickly enough.Morgaine followed by two demons withswords came down the stairs toward them.She was purple with rage."So Raven, you betray me by stealing my man.In this place you'll find mywrath is terrible indeed."Raven and Michael ran down the stairs to get away from her.But, on the nextturn, two more weapon laden demons came up from below.Raven screamed.Theywere trapped [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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