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.Those two girls were real funnies.Phil made no comment.They sped for a while in silence.Then he became vaguely aware that Mitziewas stealing glances at him. If you should manage to cook up a little nerve and change your mind, she said angrily,  you mightpossibly find us at the Tan Jet much later tonight.He still made no comment.She went on softly,  Night s the only time, you know, at least in this century.Night in the city.I love the pale yellow streets and the bright yellow tunnels.They ve taken the junglesaway from us, the high seas and the highways, even space and the air.They ve abolished half of thenight.They ve tried to steal danger.But we ve found it again in the city; we who ve got nerve and hatethe sheep! Well, here s your 3010 Opperly, she said, jerking the car to a stop.Phil opened the door and startedout.Only then did Mitzie seem to see the bright marquee and realize that the address was that of FunIncorporated s wrestling center.She thrust herself across the seat as he reached the curb and turned toshut the door.file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry%20kruisw.r/Fritz%20Leiber%20-%20The%20Green%20Millennium.html (34 of 141)19-2-2006 20:28:04 The Green Millennium So this is what you were looking for! she yelled at him, her suddenly passionate voice making hermask puff away from and then huff to her mouth. You turn me down, you sniff at my friends and myways, you re above violence and sex, and all the while you re planning to satisfy yourself vicariously,watching male-female! For an instant before she slammed the door in his face, lightning seemed toshoot out of the lace-shirred eyeholes of the black mask. At least I make my own thrills, you rottenlittle virgin!|Go to Table of Contents |VITHEcrowd pouring down the corridor squeezed out of Phil his wincing recollection of Mitzie s lastcrack.He slithered his way along the wall, rubbed by shoulder and hip, trodden by heel and toe, setcoughing by gray-blue clouds of tobacco, weed, and so-called Venus weed, and regaled by such remarksas,  Aaha, he could of thrown her any time he wanted to, and  What I don t like are those dumbwomen referees!Phil finally wedged his way into an eddy of the crowd near a side corridor.He unhopefully gasped, Juno Jones. Old Rubberarm whispered throatily,  Come right in, Mack, and narrowly arched his grayarm to let Phil duck through at that point, meanwhile bracing his slaty length against a general surge ofthe crowd and whipping back the tentacle-end of his arm to stop a gent in brown with tennis-ball eyeswho tried to duck in after Phil.Phil wiped his forehead and took a deep breath.He felt a little giddy standing just by himself.A womancame out of the door ahead.She was dressed with an aggressive dowdiness: shapeless long frock, buttonshoes, wide brimmed flower covered hat, fur neckpiece and gloves.She looked like somebody sscrubwoman from past times out on a half-holiday.He didn t realize who it was until the crowd behindhim began to cheer and to chant,  Juno! Juno!She waved to them, but her eyes were on Phil. Gosh, I m glad to see you, she said, grabbing his elbow.Then she whispered,  Don t ask questions.Come with me.The next moment she was hurrying him down the corridor away from the crowd.The chanting of the crowd became disappointed and a bit sore.A shrill voice skirled over it:  Whatchagoin off with the little shrimp for?Juno turned around and stood solid. Listen, you mugs, she bellowed, and the crowd was silent while afile:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry%20kruisw.r/Fritz%20Leiber%20-%20The%20Green%20Millennium.html (35 of 141)19-2-2006 20:28:04 The Green Millenniumtelephoto spot glowed blindingly. I know I m your heroine and it makes me happy, but even I gottahave a love life! And don t you be insulting it!As the crowd yelped with laughter and started cheering again, Juno pushed Phil through a door. I hopeyou didn t mind my saying that, she told him. They re my fans and I gotta humor  em.Phil shook his head a bit dazedly.He had expected her to stop as soon as they got out of sight of thecrowd, but instead she was hurrying him along a narrow hall. Say, look here, Mister   she began anxiously. Phil, he told her. Phil Gish [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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