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.What did something soenormous, so reeking with power have to fear?Then she realized what the dragon must fear.It had been bound here for more years than Hawk Haven had existed as akingdom.The dragon wanted its freedomùand it feared that Peace would not make the bargain that would set it free."What is your question?" the dragon replied guardedly."What happens to you when the one who has released you dies?"The dragon answered with the same self-defeating honesty that Citrine was coming to recognize as the Star Wizard's mark."Unless he or she dies of injury or illness, the one who binds me will know to a year when I will drink the last of what theyhave to give.My master may then arrange for a substitute or attempt to bind me again as I am bound here.If neither of thesethings is done, then I return to where I was when Kelvin's magic pulled me forth."Grateful Peace looked raptly fascinated."And where is that?"The dragon's eyes narrowed again."That is not yours to know."aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rPeace sighed and rubbed his one hand across his face."Perhaps you will be more confidential at another time.""Do you leave me then?""To be set loose once someone else with more time and knowledge comes along? The Star Wizard thought the threat of youwould be enough to protect us forever.He was wrong.You are a temptation to those who have forgotten just what damage youcan wreak.I will& "Firekeeper finally broke through the dragon's indifferenceùor perhaps she suddenly realized that the one she needed to speakwith was not the dragon, but Grateful Peace."No, Peace!" the wolf-woman cried."You cannot do this.You are afraid of it.I am not afraid."Peace faced her and narrowed his eyes so that he rather reminded Citrine of the dragon."Or is it that you are afraid of such power in any hands but your own?"Firekeeper glared at him."Who sane would not be so afraid?" she shot back."But still I do not think I fear aging and death as much as you do.Thewolves do not hoard life.Why should I?""For those very ones you would spend it," Peace answered."They'll need more from you than power in the years to come.Think, child, if they had wanted mere strength and ability to cause terror would they have raised a human?"Firekeeper looked considering."But fear of the dragon would protect my people.""Only for a time," Peace reminded her, "and only while you live.The dragon does not make the one who binds itimmortalùrather the opposite.You would need to live your life in hiding, for any good tactician would see that you were theweak spot.""The dragon could protect me," Firekeeper returned stubbornly."And if it protected you, it could not be defending the Beasts.Let it rest, Firekeeper.The dragon is not the answer to thelooming conflict between humans and Beasts."Firekeeper stepped back, as if physically relinquishing her claim; then she froze."And will you turn the dragon against my people?"Grateful Peace's laugh was as harsh as a raven's croaking call."Oh, no, Firekeeper.I treasure the life I have left far too much to squander it.If I have my way I will guard my remaining yearsby invoking the dragon's power as little as necessary."Citrine, recalling how Mother had said that she would grow up faster as she used the dragon in Mother's cause, thought sheunderstoodùand approved.Suddenly, it seemed dreadfully important to her that Peace not age and die too quickly.She had somuch she could learn from him now that she saw how willing he was to teach."But you have not done the rituals," the dragon reminded Peace."I am not yet yours to command."It was a hint, not a taunt.Looking down at his remaining hand as if seeing in it everything he had already lost, Peace nodded."I know, but if there are no further protests& " Here he looked at Firekeeper, who shook with shame."Then I will."aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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