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. Straight to nowhere. What do you mean, straight to nowhere? He doesn t have his storm navigation system on.He s traveling in straight lines. But he ll be killed! she cried out hoarsely, her voice still ravaged from her earliertears.Danjer nodded and kicked up the speed. What is it that you see? she asked after several more quiet moments. Bugs, he told her. Bugs? Bugs, he repeated, slowing his bike slightly as he scanned the ground. Sandbugs.When the bikes pass over the ground, the magnetic field changes.The bugs don tknow up from down.They pour out of the ground and stagger about like drunks for awhile before they can reorient themselves.Half of them die before they can get backunder the ground, either in the hot sun or the cold night or the wet storm.I follow thedead bugs. But& how on eYona can you see them? she demanded, staring at the ground andseeing nothing. They re tiny! No bigger than the smallest pebbles!Danjer nodded in agreement. They re green, he said. Green? What s green? It s a color, Danjer told her.Pink shook her head in confusion. What s color? Earthers can see colors, Danjer explained briefly. eYonans can t.That s why I ma better tracker than Saxon& and every other eYonan on the face of the planet. Heshook his head. I see things differently than you.The sand bugs are bright, fluorescent,brilliant green.They stand out as if they were& incredibly light or densely dark.It slike& following a beam of light.The color fades with time, of course.But that just helpsme distinguish one trail from another, an earlier trail from a later one. Don t they& blow away?He shrugged. Eventually.But if the trail is fresh, I only need a few to follow.With this comforting assurance from Danjer, Pink put her cheek against his broadback and tightened her hold around his waist.The wind and rain slashed down, peltingher shoulders and legs, smacking at Danjer s leathers as she stared into the darkness. How many colors are there? Thousands, he answered. Three primary colors, three more secondary.Thousands of variations. What& color am I? she asked him.He reached back to clasp her leg. You re mostly pink, he told her as he gave herthigh a rough squeeze,  Just like the diamond you wear in your belly.Your hair is thebright color of sunshine and your eyes are green, the color of the forest.122 Made For Two Men I thought sunshine was just white, she ventured. Your eyes, she stammered, must be the color of& fire, then?He shook his head. More like the color of the sky or the sea.She shook her head against his broad back. That s not possible, she insisted. Your eyes& burn. The bike swerved just then as a jagged bolt of lightning slammedinto the ground behind them. What color is lightning? she asked. Mostly white, he replied. And blue around the edges. What color are your eyes? she asked next. Blue, he answered.With this response she nodded her head, finally satisfied.* * * * * Danjer! Pink suddenly screamed.But he d already seen it a bike lying on its sideand a crumpled form darkening the ground thirty feet distant.Guiding his bike to theright, Danjer s headlight illuminated Saxon s large leather-clad body awkwardly piledinto the ground.In the headlight s beam, Saxon s golden mane was mixed with a cruelthorny crown of black blood.Lightning flashed and the blood was red for a brief, hardinstant.Pink was off the bike and running over the wet sand toward Saxon as Danjerfollowed through the nightmare-strobed darkness. Please, he prayed in a whisper as he moved forward, dragging his leaden feet,wanting to get to Saxon but fearing what he might find. Please don t let him be dead.Nearby, the black night was split with twin forks of blue-edged lightning.Swallowing hard, Danjer forced his legs to carry him to Saxon.In that instant, heknew that there was at least one other thing he wanted as much as Pink s love andthat was Saxon s life.His stomach churned in ugly knots as he traveled between stark flashes of painfulmemory and lightning-harsh images of threatening reality.Saxon lying on the ground as blood welled up through the jagged cut in his helm.His facegray.His eyes closed.Saxon lying on the ground, his head in Pink s lap.A deep split in his scalp at thehairline.His blood dark and red on a tangled gold background.His face white.His eyesgreen as they opened and he frowned up at Danjer. Saxon, Danjer croaked, pulling him up in one mighty heave and wrapping him inan utterly male embrace of love. Jeezis Skies, he growled in a breaking voice,  I loveyou, Saxon.Saxon pulled away from him with a curious grin. Aw, he drawled,  I bet you saythat to all the guys.123 Madison HayesSquinting hard in the pelting rain, Danjer laughed, weak with relief as he yelled athis friend,  Are you okay? How do you feel?Very slowly, very carefully, Saxon moved his head from side to side. Like I was hitby lightning.Danjer nodded with a grin as Saxon looked carefully to the left. What are we doing here? What do you mean here? I mean, what are we doing here, south of Aranthea, Saxon asked, pointing north, when the last thing I remember was fighting beside you at D Almiers? D Almiers! D Almiers was a year ago!Saxon tilted his head, eyes narrowed quizzically as he grinned. Did I miss much? Yeah! Danjer laughed with pure, real pleasure. Yeah, you did! So fill me in, he said easily, striding carefully toward his bike and turning themachine upright. Well, to begin with, you got hit in the head at D Almiers and& and& how s yoursense of direction? Danjer asked sharply.Saxon shrugged. As good as ever, I reckon. Which way s south, then?Saxon looked at him like he was mad then slowly turned around to face southward.But he stopped when he found Pink standing just behind him.Her short wet hair wasplastered against her face and she was crying& but she was still beautiful.For severalinstants Saxon just stared, tilting his head slowly.Then he returned his gaze to Danjer. Who s that? he asked, dividing his attention between Danjer and the imp. She s  Beautiful, Danjer finished for him without thinking [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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