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.It was hard for Westley to reach down and stroke his own cock atthis point from this slightly bent position, and as the pleasure built, hecouldn t help but want more of it.He needed to come and to comefrom having Roarke s cock pounding inside of him. Fuck meharder, he said, gasping the words, and as his body started to slideacross the bed, he had to lift his hands up to brace himself against thebed frame to keep his head from smacking into it.He did that just in the nick of time, too, since Roarke proved to bethe sort of alpha who was very good at following orders as he groanedand pushed himself faster and deeper inside of Westley s asshole until 62 Marcy Jackshis prostate was being slammed with every stroke, and it was startingto sing for him.Or maybe that was just Westley s yelling.This wasn t lovemaking.This was fucking and claiming, butWestley loved it.They d made love enough, and now he just wantedto be roughly taken like this.But it was okay.He knew he could still want it like this, and thatRoarke s opinion of him wouldn t be any different when it was allover.Roarke would still respect him and love him no matter how hewanted it.And that was an even bigger turn on.He tightened his asshole like it was a fist around Roarke s dick,knowing how much that drove the man crazy, and he groaned andshut his eyes, nearly collapsing on top of Westley.He had to catchhimself with his hands on either side of Westley s head.Westley grinned through his barely contained lust and could donothing else but hold on for the ride as Roarke s impossibly fast hipsstarted moving even faster, and then he was there.Westley yelled as he was thrown over the edge, and his cum shotout of him, covering his belly and Roarke s abs as he continued tomove and thrust deep inside of him, creating more pleasure forWestley even as his body began to relax.Then Roarke moaned low in his throat, his eyes squeezing shut ashis hips and body jerked before Westley felt his warm cum shootinginside of his body.That connection to his mate always made him feel better, happy,and safe, and he lowered his arms from where they had been grippingthe bed frame God, they were sore now to wrap around Roarke sshoulders.They were sweaty as he breathed deeply in and out of Westley sear, and as his mate relaxed against him, Westley was able to feelsome of the fear that was going through Roarke s energy. Captured with His Pregnant Mate 63But then it was gone as quickly as Westley had felt that it wasthere.Roarke smiled down at him, clearly trying to hide his worries ashe pressed a soft kiss to Westley s lips.It was too late.Westley had already sensed what Roarke wastrying to hide from him.The man was afraid that his plan wouldn twork, and he was afraid of losing his mate to an idea that could verywell die off before it had the chance to grow.* * * *Frank picked up a twig to get a hold of the scent.It was there.Itwas faded after so many days of inactivity, but still there.Thatdamned little omega had been here by this creek, and shortly after thealpha had come, the very same one who had killed so many of hisbrothers and sisters.He was going to make the both of them pay for it.He swore hewould!He threw down the twig onto the smooth rocks and sand that werejust at the bed of the stream.The problem was that they had both goneinto the water, and their scent was getting harder to track. Maybe we should give up, Josh said, and Frank saw red as hereached for the smaller Alpha s throat and backed him up into one ofthe larger trees. We re not stopping until we find them! Frank roared into hisface.The guy shut his eyes as spittle flew from Frank s mouth, and hewanted to punch Josh s face in for ever suggesting that they leave. They escaped on your watch, you know.You re responsible forevery alpha that died because you weren t doing your job!Frank didn t know what he was pissed off about more.That somany had died, or that Frank had lost his prize when Westleyescaped.He d been waiting for the man to give birth to he could havehim.Lawrence had stated that he could claim the omega as his, butnow he was gone. 64 Marcy Jacks No! Josh said, his eyes going all wide and panicky, which wasjust the way Frank liked, as he shook his head. It was an accident! You guys!Both Frank and Josh turned their heads as another of the alphasstomped forward.The guy actually had the balls to push Frank awayfrom the little shit who d caused this problem in the first place. It doesn t matter if we lost the scent.They probably went intotown.Willow Lake is the closest place they could go for supplies. And you think they ll still be there? Frank gruffed, still glaringat Josh. We have nowhere else to check, the alpha said with a shrug, andthen he turned around and started walking with the other alphas in thedirection of town.Josh was still rubbing at his neck, but it was clear that he wantedto hurry and catch up with the other men who might have his back ifFrank tried something on him again. You and I aren t done, he said, and Josh turned and lookedsharply at him, worry clear in his eyes.Odd, for an alpha.Unless the man really had done somethingwrong. Captured with His Pregnant Mate 65Chapter EightEventually, Roarke did have to leave that motel room.Eventhough he wanted to stay curled around his mate forever, logic andreality demanded that he get his ass out of bed and take care ofbusiness.Westley had wanted to go with him, but Roarke put his foot downon that one.There could still be alphas from the pack of werewolvesnearby who were hunting for them, and if anyone knew what theywere looking for, Westley would be too easy to spot, and it would betoo hard for him to run away when he was pregnant.He d already done it once, and that was a miracle enough forRoarke.Still, leaving him at the motel alone and undefended wasn texactly something that eased his heart either, so he was quick when hewas out buying loose-fitting clothes for Westley, whatever babysupplies he could get for cheap at the thrift store, as well as clothesand food for himself.He d have to buy two gym bags just to carry it all in.Westley saidhe wasn t due for another few months, but there was always thepossibility that he could go into labor early, and Roarke wanted to beprepared [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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