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.He helped Lian out of his clothes and into bed.Hishands shook with excitement."I'd like to suck you."Lian stared at him for a while."Oh, were youwaiting for me to say no?"Nevair laughed self-consciously."I guess not.Idon't suppose most men would object to receiving a blowjob.""Not usually," Lian agreed."I'm new at this," he said by way of apology.107 Mate Healer Amber Kell"I know, and I find that really hot," Lian confessed."You find it hot that I don't know what I'm doing?"Sometimes he simply didn't understand his mate.Lian smiled."No, I find it hot that I'm the only onewho's ever going to show you what to do."Lian's kisses began slow and sweet but they quicklytransformed into hot and toothy as he nipped at Nevair'sbottom lip.Nevair pulled back and laughed."I thought I wasthe dragon in this relationship.""Doesn't mean I can't leave some marks of myown."Nevair groaned."Leave whatever marks you want.I'm yours."He couldn't put into words how much he belongedto Lian.When he found his medic missing, his heart damnnear stopped beating and his dragon barely resisted the urgeto rampage.Since Lian hung up on him, his new compaddidn't help and the only way to find his wayward lover wasto turn to his dragon half.Luckily, Lian proved easy to find.His brain short-circuited when Lian moved his waydown Nevair's body."Fuck me," Nevair choked out."What?" Lian sat up."I thought you wanted to giveme a blow job."108 Mate Healer Amber Kell"I can do that later but I need to know what it's liketo have you inside me.This isn't a one-sided relationship.Unless of course you don't like that." Damn, he hoped hehadn't ruined everything.Lian's delighted smile assuaged Nevair's fears."Ifyou're sure.""I am.Even if we never do this again I want toknow what you experience when we make love."Lian gave Nevair a long look."Okay."A weight tumbled off of Nevair's chest, reliefshooting through him fast as dragon fire.Lian should'veturned to Nevair when he had problems with Bourne, not astranger.He'd talk to Lian about it later, after his markappeared.He'd have one tattooed himself if he needed to."Turn over," Lian ordered."Why?""Because it's easier your first time.""But I can't see you then." Nevair disliked thethought of not seeing Lian's eyes when he sank intoNevair's body."It's a better angle," Lian persisted.Nevair shook his head."No.I'll stay on my back."Lian's sigh moved the hair on his forehead around."Fine, have it your way.""I hope you get used to saying those words," Nevair109 Mate Healer Amber Kellteased."Very funny." Despite his eye rolling andannoyance, Lian's touch couldn't have been any tenderer.Nevair jolted in surprise when Lian's slicked fingers circledNevair's hole."You were carrying lube when you left?" Nevaircouldn't let that stand.If Lian thought he could have sexwith anyone else he needed a quick lesson in dragonprotocol.Lian grinned."That would've been extremelyforward thinking of me, but no, my attentive host has quitea collection of personal items for any guest.I think you'retoo innocent for most of it."Nevair desperately wanted to look, but suspectedLian made the entire story up to get back at him for hissuspicion.He vowed to check later when his lover left theroom.Lifting his hips, Nevair spread his legs and gave Liansomething to aim for."Sexy," Lian purred.His growl, dragon-worthy and hot, sent shiversdown Nevair's spine.His inner beast preened at thecompliment.Lian tucked a pillow beneath Nevair's hips tohelp with the angle.Absorbed in Lian's expression, Nevair jerked whenLian's fingers pushed gently inside his hole."Sorry," he110 Mate Healer Amber Kellmuttered when Lian pulled away."We don't have to do this," Lian reminded him."Yes, we do.I'm committed." Nevair kept his voicestrong.He wouldn't back out."Or you should be," Lian muttered.Nevair laughed just enough for his body to relaxover Lian's intrusion.He had to give Lian credit; the manstarted slow and loosened him up before increasing thenumber of digits inside Nevair.After the initial discomforthe began to enjoy Lian fingering his hole."More.Inside me now." For a second his dragonbalked.Mine! It growled.Nevair sent it soothing thoughtswhile he tried to keep relaxed enough for Lian's entrance.With a great deal more lube, Lian pushed inside."Oh." He'd expected more discomfort, maybe pain.He hadn't been prepared for the feeling of connection, ofrightness.In that moment he became one with Lian andknew they belonged together."I'm not going to last long," Lian said in lowdesperate tones.Lian's face, stunning in repose, increased in beautywhile sliding in and out of Nevair's body.Eyes unfocused,body pumping, the man made Nevair's heartbeat patterlouder as an orgasm tore its way through his body.Without111 Mate Healer Amber Kella single touch, Nevair came."That is so fucking sexy," Lian growled.A shoutlater and Lian spurted out his orgasm inside of Nevair andcollapsed on his body.Nevair cradled Lian like the treasurehe was, his dragon thoroughly approved."I'm not giving you up," Nevair warned."I don'tcare if you don't turn out to be my mate."Lian laughed against Nevair's chest."I had thatimpression."112 Mate Healer Amber KellChapter SixNevair watched in amazement as Lian stood in awhite lab coat and took blood from over two dozendragonkin, himself included.When Lian explained hispredicament in getting a good number of test samples,Nevair had thought he'd have a problem getting volunteers.However, the hope of solving their fertility issues haddragonkin coming out of the woodwork to offer their blood.It probably didn't hurt that Nevair sanctioned thestudy and Milot encouraged them to participate.Lian'speople hadn't arrived yet, but Milot had put spies in thespaceport to keep an eye out.Nevair smiled when Lianscratched at his back.His mating mark had come out inbrilliant glorious color that morning but apparently ititched.Nevair spent a good hour spreading lotion on thedesign before becoming distracted by the rest of the man.Nevair's new communicator rang.He didn't look atthe number, his gaze stayed on Lian."Yes?""You need to get your ass back to the cathedral andconduct your services.The council is having dragon kits.They say you've abandoned your post and are looking toreplace you," Tres demanded.Nevair growled."Only the goddess can replace113 Mate Healer Amber Kellme.""I think they have a different opinion," Tres saiddryly."I'll be right there.Someone needs to remind themof the sanctity of mates." Nevair wouldn't put up with thatkind of behavior.He knew his rights."Mates?" Tres asked."Lian's mark came in this morning." Nevair couldn'tkeep the pride from his voice.Silence filled the communicator."Tres?""Um, congratulations." His voice didn't sound rightbut Nevair didn't call him on it."I'll be there in an hour," Nevair said."See you then," Tres agreed.Nevair disconnected in time to see one of thedragonkin males get too close to Lian."Hey," Nevairsnapped."Don't even think about touching him.He's mine."The man held up his hands and stepped back."Sorry, Pontifex, I didn't know you'd claimed him.""I should make you go shirtless all the time so yourmark is on display," Nevair threatened.Lian laughed."Yeah, that would show them."The female he had just extracted blood fromsnickered at Lian's words."He's adorable.You should giveyour mate a ring."114 Mate Healer Amber KellNevair thought it over for a moment.A ringwouldn't be enough.Anyone could wear a ring for anyreason.He needed a stronger statement.He knew just what to give Lian once he could takehis mate back to the cathedral."I'll keep that in mind."Lian set her vial of blood next to all the other vials [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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