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.It would be like expecting one of the Armethalieh CityWatch to go stomping into Magistrate Vaunnel's private chambers to demand that she answer hisquestions.Unfortunately, it was much too easy for them to get all the information that they wanted.Before they hadgone more than a few streets from the front door of the Telchi's house, even Tiercel could tell that the citywas uneasy.There were more people on the city streets than he'd ever seen at this time of day before,and all of them seemed to have some bundle in their arms.Some of them were filling the ubiquitousthree-wheeled carts with household possessions apparently planning to leave the city as soon aspossible others were arguing with their neighbors, equally-determined to stay.It was quickly apparentthat the refugees that Musa had told Niranda about had only been the first wave of those who had fledfrom Laganda'Iteru the ones who had possessed swift mounts and had fled early.More survivors hadarrived in the city, but not to seek sanctuary.The new arrivals meant only to stop in Tarnatha'Iteru for long enough to purchase supplies for the longer journey north not simply as far as Akazidas'Iteru, sothe gossip had it, but all the way to Armethalieh.For as they told anyone who would listen, if thismysterious army truly meant to "cleanse the desert of all those who did not follow the True Balance".Then Tarnatha'Iteru would be their next stop.It took the three of them longer than any of them liked to find someone who was actually fromLaganda'Iteru, someone who'd seen the enemy army.Even so, Kinalan had only seen it from a distance.He was an ordinary tradesman who had arrived in the city only an hour ago his mule, he said, had diedbeneath him on the road.He'd heard the shouting and boasts of the enemy, yes, but the only peoplewho'd escaped Laganda'Iteru were those who'd heard and remembered the story of Rasan theStableboy.For Laganda'Iteru was not the first city to be destroyed by this mysterious army.A moonturn less five days before Laganda'Iteru fell, a boy had arrived at its gates, filthy, terrified, and onfoot.The story he told was madness itself, but as he'd had family living within the city, he had not beenturned away.He claimed to have been exercising a string of horses outside Kabipha'Iteru a city southof Laganda'Iteru when a vast army had marched upon it.Young Rasan had fled in terror, riding northas fast as he could, changing out mounts from the string of horses he'd been exercising as he went andabandoning the exhausted ones behind him.It had only been when the Laganda'Iteru City Watch hadbeen roused to the sound of drums, and looked out over the wall to see a vast army approaching, thatyoung Rasan's wild tale had finally been believed by those who remembered hearing it.Listening to Kinalan's tale, Harrier began at last to get an idea of how far apart the Iteru-cities were.Kinalan said he had been on the road for a sennight without pausing for anything but water from one ofthe roadside wells.He looked haggard and wild-eyed and ready to drop from exhaustion but he alsolooked unwilling to remain in Tarnatha'Iteru one moment longer than was necessary to buy a shotor andsupplies for the next stage of his journey.If Macenor Telchi had not offered him several gold uiqat, hewould not have paused to speak to them at all."But you saw this army?" Macenor Telchi asked."I saw them," Kinalan answered grimly."More men than I could count, mounted upon shotors saddledand bridled in the deep-desert style.Now we know where the Isvaieni have gone for they have beengone where no man may say since the beginning of the winter rains though never would I have thoughtthat the tribes would band together that way.I thought young Rasan was sun-touched, when I first heardhis mad tale.Would that he had been.""What happened to him?" Tiercel asked."Rasan?""I know not," Kinalan answered wearily."At first he would tell his story to any who asked he workedat the stable where I kept my mules, for I was a launderer, and must tend my drying fields.One day Iwent and heard he had run off [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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