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., 16, 27  28, 136  37 Book of Moses, 97, 115  16Turner, what Turner? 14 voice in, 99  100Bavinck, Herman, 191  93 Book of Nephi, 132  33Beecher, Henry Ward, 6 darkness/light in, 131Bible, 109  10.See also Old Brodie, Fawn, 33, 178Testament; specific Gospels Brown, John, 21  22, 242n15Book of Mormon and, 113, 163chosenness in, 243n20 Calhoun, John C.Gethsemane in, 124  25 background, 74Gospels, 124  25  concurrent majority, 87  88Inspired Version of, 128  29  Exposition and Protest, 76New Testament, revised version nullification theory of, 88  89of, 127 political philosophy of, 88Smith, Joseph, Jr. s reading of, as secretary of state, 8795  96 slavery views of, 75, 88Smith, Joseph, Jr. s revision of, 97, Smith, Joseph, Jr., and, 73  90115  16, 127 Smith, Joseph, Jr. sBirney, James G., 86 correspondence with, 74, 84blindness, 170  71 Smith, Joseph, Jr. s meeting with,Bloom, Harold, 31, 178 82  83Book of Abraham, 97 states rights views of, 75  76, 87voice in, 99  100 Union protection and, 88Book of Commandments (Doctrine vice presidency, 76and Covenants), 96  97 Calvinism, 191  93, 195dictation/writing of, 98 non-Christian religions viewed by,revelation in preface to, 166  67 192Book of Mormon, 4, 48 Melville and, 54authorial presence in, 100 Campbell, Alexander, 32  33Bible and, 113, 163 Cannon, George Q., 217  20blindness in, 171 capitalism, 39  40criticism of, 32  33 evangelical world and, 40discovery of, 69  70 Carnegie, Dale, 182  83Ezekiel, 116  17 Cartwright, Peter, 6John, 116  17 Cass, Lewis, 79Lehi, 116  17 Smith, Joseph, Jr. s correspondenceanti-Masonic themes in, 67 with, 84, 253n24Mosiah in, 127 CatholicismNative Americans and, 113 faith in, 181Nephi, 116  17 ritualism, 180  81origins in, 70  71 sincerity and, 180sea stories in, 59  60 ceremoniesseeing face of God in, 163 artifice and showmanship in, 184 index 273endowment, 104 common human predicament theory,Mormon temple, 104, 105 269n24secrecy, 105 communalism, Mormon, 71Chamberlain, Solomon, 162 Community of Christ.Seecharisma, 138 Reorganized Church of Jesusprophethood, 203  4 Christ of Latter Day SaintsSmith, Joseph, Jr., 202  3 Compromise of 1850, 88Chautauqua movement, 213 The Confessions of Nat Turner, 13Chosen People, 243n20 Gray s collaborations in, 17Christianity, 33, 41.See also specific as prophetic autobiography, 13branches The Confidence-Man: His MasqueradeMormonism and, 195  96 (Melville), 49  50, 249n53pluralism and, 213 conflict approach (to history), 5, 6  7prophethood, 205 Congress, states rights and, 85revelations in, 160 consensus approach (to history), 5  6Smith, Joseph, Jr. s teachings and, Constitution, 83109 ideology in, 42visions in, 160 individual s rights under, 254n33non-Christian religions.See also Smith, Joseph, Jr. s views on, 83  85specific religions states rights and, 73, 74American knowledge about, 212 contact approach (to history), 5, 6  7Calvinist views on, 192 Corpus Hermticum, 68Mormon mappings of, 209  20 Count de Leon.See Müller, BernhardMormon views on, 216 courageprophethood, 205 culture, 137Protestants and, 215 religious, 137survey of, 211 revelations and, 122  23Christian Science, 93, 195 Smith, Joseph, Jr., 119  42Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Cowdery, Oliver, 16, 210day Saints, organizational baptism, 27  28development of, 113, 119, 162 visions, 169City of Zion, 102  3 cultureCivil War, 89  90 courage in, 137tariff acts and, 77 Mormonism rise and change in, 33clairvoyance, 66 religion and, 31  32, 34Clarel: A Poem and Pilgrimage in theHoly Land (Melville), 51  52 darkness/lightfaith and, 61  62 in Book of Nephi, 131Clay, Henry, 86 evil s conquest and, 132  33Compromise of 1850, 88 God and, 158  60Smith, Joseph, Jr. s in Luke s Gospel, 134correspondence with, 84 Melville, 54  56Code of Handsome Lake.See Gaiwiio Smith, Joseph, Jr., and, 54  56,Columbian Exposition, 217  20 130  33 274 indexdeification, 139 esotericism, 66despair/hope, 133  35 Old Testament, 267n7Deuteronomists, 143  44 prophethood and, 207blindness and, 171 Smith, Joseph, Jr. s involvementOld Testament and, 145 with, 207temples and, 144  45 evangelicalism, Mormon, 215devil, 132  33 evangelicalsdevil invention theory, 269n24 why capitalism and, 40italics? Mormonism and, 37, 198diffusion, 214  15, 218  20 why worldviews and, 197  98italics? evil, 132  33divine exclusivism, 213Christ and, 25 expansionismcommunication with, 60  61 slavery and, 88contact with, 94 Smith, Joseph, Jr. s views on,human and, 62  63, 112 86  87human history and, 111  12  Exposition and Protest (Calhoun),personal access to, 24  25 76silence and, 61 Ezekiel, 116  17, 156  57Smith, Joseph, Jr. s personalencounter with, 111 faithDoctrine and Covenants.See Book of Catholic, 181Commandments Melville, 56  57, 61  62Dunklin, Daniel, 77, 252n9 sincerity and, 180Dwight, Timothy, 6 Smith, Joseph, Jr. s, 123  24, 136Dylks, Joseph, 19 familyAmerica and crisis of, 37  38East India Marine Hall, 210 authority, 42  44Eddy, Mary Barker, 93 history, 186Smith, Joseph, Jr.and, 195 reordering of, 37  39Einstein, Albert, 31  32 Smith, Joseph, Jr. s, 33  34, 42  44,Eliade, Mircea, 104  5 50  51, 194Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 13  29, Finney, Charles G., 6181  82 Fourteenth Amendment, 90institutional religion and, 24 St.Francis of Assisi, 126Last Supper and, 26  27 Franklin, Benjamin, 182  83ministry, 26  27 Freemasonry, 66 Nature, 164 rituals, 104, 184prophetic influence of, 23  24 Smith, Joseph, Jr., and, 45, 67  68prophetism of, 20  22 free speech, 111sacraments and, 26  27  fulfillment theology, 114  15 Self-Reliance, 23  24Smith, Joseph, Jr., and, 24  29, Gaiwiio (Code of Handsome Lake), 19164, 263n29 Garrison, William Lloyd, 20 index 275genius, 31  33 The Great Transformation: Theapostle v., 256n13 Beginning of Our Religioussocial/historical causes of, 36  37 Traditions (Armstrong), 31Gethsemaneatonement in, 128 Harmony Society, 19Christ in, 121 Harper s Ferry raid, 242n15emotional correlation and, 130  31 Harris, Martin, 15St.Francis of Assisi, 126 Hartford Convention, 75in Gospels, 124  25 Hermes Trismegistus, 66Mormonism and, 126  30 Hermeticism, 68Smith, Joseph, Jr., and, 130  37 God in, 68  69symbols, 131 solitude and, 71woodcarvings, 126 Higbee, Elias, 81  82Givens, Terryl, 33, 37, 48, 249, 285, Senate Judiciary CommitteeGod.See also divine hearing, 83access to, 24  25 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth,anthropomorphic, 165 213appearance of, 156  58 historical context, 5  7, 33beauty of, 148  49, 261n19 and genius, 36  37darkness/light and, 158  60 historydepiction of, 94  95 conflict approach to, 5, 6  7distance between humans consensus approach to, 5  6and, 195 contact approach to, 5, 6  7garments of, 157  58 divine and human, 111  12Glory of, 146, 148, 155  56 family, 186Hermetic, 58  59 human, 111  12Israel and seeing, 152  53 Mormon, 5  7, 10, 73  90, 176  77,likeness v.appearance of, 156  57 185  86Mormon, 58  59, 94  95 prophetism, 18  19night visions of, 148  49 religious, 31, 186non-Christian, 193 Smith, Joseph, Jr [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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