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.Had he arrived thirty minutes earlier, would he have foundLucas alive? He stifled a sob as tears ran freely down his face.He needed to check the rest of the house for Bob, but couldn't rip his gaze away fromLucas s huddled mass.The poor kid had suffered.Rage consumed every cell of Brett s body.The fucker who d done this would die a slow and painful death.In his mind s eye he formed aplan.When he finished with Bob, he d make sure no one found the body.He d burn this houseafter killing the fucker then take Lucas s body with him, giving him a proper, respectful burial.He dried his eyes, forcing himself to calm down.Memories of Lucas filtered through his mind, as pain encircled his heart.Brett clamped histeeth over the sob threatening to escape.If he started crying again, he d never stop.He steppedcloser to the body, witnessing the fragile state poor Lucas had lived in.Had the jerk fed him atall in the past month? Brett bit his lip and shifted his gaze from Lucas to the rest of the house.Heneeded to do a sweep and clear the rooms.He swiped at the tears burning his eyes, mourning the beautiful young innocent who'd heldso much promise.Regret ate at his soul for not going to visit him after leaving the service.Theboy wasn t to blame for Amos s stupidity.His slow shuffle brought him around to the front of Lucas s body, and he gritted his teeth tokeep from sobbing.Later, after he took care of this Bob idiot, he'd grieve for Lucas.No amountof crying would undo the damage this bastard had done.Work first, emotions later.Brett stared down at his battered friend.He studied the kid turned man, taking in his perfectface.The stupid shit had at least left Lucas s face alone, his beauty still there with strikingclarity.His eyes were such a lovely shade of blue.Brett swore he saw life in them just now, buthow? Lucas s body seemed beyond repair, too much blood and too many cuts, the knife laybeside him, its blade mocking him with the shiny surface.Brett stayed frozen in place, staring inregret, realizing he d never hold this seraph of a man again.Suddenly, those blue eyes blinked and Lucas's hand whipped out, grabbing onto Brett spants.Brett jumped and screamed, heart hammering. What the fuck? Lucas?The lump moaned and tried to move.Brett holstered the Glock and dropped to his knees,pressing two fingers to the base of Lucas s neck.A pulse! Weak, but there. Thank you, God! Brett roared and bent to pick Lucas up, but thought better of holding himwithout knowing the extent of the damage.Brett turned on more lights, finally spotting the chainkeeping Lucas tethered to this house. Fucking sick bastard. Brett clenched his fists and snarled,stumbling down the hall in search of a bathroom.The door at the end of the short hall provedlocked.Brett leaned back and kicked the wood in, shattering the doorframe in one blow, shockedby his own irrational behavior.Busting open doors without his gun drawn could get him killed,but he doubted the fucker was here.Brett found the bathroom, picked up a washcloth and turned on the hot water.He took twotowels for drying and carried the bundle into the main room where Lucas lay on the pallet. Baby, this may sting, Brett said as he knelt next to the badly injured man. As gently as possible, he cleaned the crusty blood from Lucas s arm.The rag too dirty tofinish the task, he searched the kitchen for a bowl and filled the dish with warm water.With thefresh water, he worked down each limb, revealing a few cuts requiring more doctoring than he'dcome prepared to give.Black and blue bruises covered Lucas's butt.Many of the marks appearedmade with a belt or other type of strap or whip.Brett hated to look, but he needed to checkLucas s anus for damage.Though he squirmed at the thought of the torture this beautiful mansuffered, he had to know if Lucas's sustained internal injuries before attempting to moved him.Brett held his breath, letting it out again only after deeming that Lucas s hole looked fine, noobvious cutting or tearing.He wasn t a doctor, but while serving in the Marines, he d seen somefairly horrific things done to people.Violent sexual abuse usually left visible damage.Therewere only bruises and no burn marks or cuts on his genitalia.Brett breathed out a huge breath,his head swimming with fear for Lucas.Lucas moaned when Brett scrubbed too hard, but in a few minutes most of the blood andgore were wiped away.Brett stared at the damage, distracted by the injuries. Sweetie, I m going to pick you up and carry you to the table.Have you eaten anythingtoday? No, Lucas whispered.Brett kneeled and scooped his arms under Lucas s legs and at his back.Lucas cringed, butBrett wouldn t leave him lying here.With quick but even steps, he carried Lucas over to thechair and made sure he was stable enough to stay upright.Brett brushed Lucas s hair out of hiseyes, his heart squeezing with each touch.Lucas kept glancing at the door, eyes wide andfrightened. Don t worry about him anymore.I ll take care of him if he shows up.Lucas shivered and clamped onto Brett s hand, a shimmer of tears in his eyes as hemouthed,  Thank you. No sound came out, but Brett didn t need to hear the words yet.Theycould talk later.Brett went to the refrigerator and found the damn thing padlocked [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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