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.He must have been in painfrom the lashes on his stomach but hesaid nothing.Eric walked over to the bed, lyingdown beside Alex.This ritual never changed.Therewould be no talking.It was always thesame position, the same way of enteringhim, never from the front when he couldsee Alex’s face.This was somethingelse Alex demanded that frustrated him.It was one of the things Alex hadstipulated when he’d joined, as well asnot being able to go down on him,something else he really wanted to do.He wanted to taste the other man’smusky scent on his lips, feel his tongueslip around his lovely cock, feel himthrobbing beneath his lips as Alex camein his mouth.But even that was denied him, as wasAlex giving him a blowjob.It wasn’t onthe list of “permitted activities.” Hewould have liked nothing more than tohave Alex’s beautiful, sensual lipswrapped around his cock, tonguing himwith deep abandon, taking his balls inmouth and sucking him until he came.He ran his fingers down Alex’s back,touching the weals on his buttocks thenkissing them.He reached for the lubeand coated his fingers, sliding his fingersinside Alex, feeling him arch backagainst him as he pushed into Alex’swetness and heat.When he’d finishedhis teasing and finally was ready to enterAlex, his cock sheathed once again in thecondom that he hated using, it was withall the frustrated force he could musterand Alex’s body responded to hisviolence in kind as he pushed back,wanting him deeper inside him.The noise of skin on skin, sweat onsweat and the smell of blood wasintoxicating.As he rammed himself intothe needy man panting beneath him, Ericwondered not for the first time what thisman thought he had done to deserve suchtreatment.Alex was his most extremeclient.The man took more punishmentthat anyone he’d ever seen and still cameback for more.As Eric climaxed, his body spasmingin his need of Alex, he broke the rulesand cried out his name.Chapter 7Melanie van Pelt regarded the mansitting opposite her with thoughtful eyes.In her three years as AlexanderMontgomery’s therapist she’d neverquite seen him as fidgety or anxious ashe was now.She wondered what hadchanged in his life to orchestrate such achange.Melanie leaned forward, toying withthe pen she held.“So, Alex.It’s been alittle longer than usual since I saw you.What’s been happening in your life sincewe last spoke?”Alex didn’t look at her directly as heusually would but instead sat back on thesoft leather couch, looking at her handsrather than her face, his long legscrossed at the ankles and his arms foldedacross his chest in a classic defensivepose.“Well, I’m still seeing Eric.” Hehesitated before going on.“I needed tosee him more than usual this week.”“More than once? That’s not a stepforward.What’s going on?”Alex sighed, finally looking up atMelanie, his eyes shadowed.“I had thedream again.And the whole TV seriesthing has got me a bit spooked.It’s onething writing novels in the solitude of myapartment but now I have to interact withpeopleeveryday.It’salittleoverwhelming.”Melanie shook her head.“We talkedabout this.You felt you’d be all rightwith the whole public thing.Somethingelse has driven you to this, not just yoursudden visibility.” She leaned back inher chair.“Have you met someone?That’s normally a trigger of your need toself-punish more.”Alex shook his head vehemently.“No, I’m not involved with anyone.”Melanie could tell Alex was notbeing particularly truthful.She’d knownhim too long, too intimately.She sighed.“Something or someone has triggeredthis.You may not realise it yet but I cansee it from the outside.Who have youmet recently that’s making you feel thisway?”Alex clamped his lips togethermutinously, saying nothing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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