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.He hadn’t been sure if he feltthe same way about him but the look inAlex’s eyes was saying what he hopedhe’d hear.“I love you too, Sage,” he saidsimply.“You’re my saviour.And youneed to understand that whatever Ericdoes with me, he will never have what’sin here.This belongs only to you.”Alex laid a hand on his heart andSage’s own swelled with emotion at thatsimple gesture.Alex reached up, takingSage’s mouth in a tender kiss thatconveyed so much more than words.When they finally drew apart, both ofthem were a little tearful.Sage knew he had to try harder.Alexhad come so far.“Come on back tobed,” Sage whispered in his ear.“I thinkI just want to hold you close and go tosleep and forget all this craziness for awhile.”He took Alex by the hand, leadinghim out of the bathroom, switching thelight off as they walked into the dim lightof the bedroom.They crawled under thecovers, Alex spooning into his back ashe wrapped his arms around Sage’swaist.Sage put his hands over Alex’s asSage drifted off into a calming sleep.Chapter 22Alex sat in Melanie van Pelt’s office ashe waited for the psychologist to finishher discussion with her secretary.Hestared down at the busy London streetbelow, watching as people scurried onthe pavements in the late Septembermorning rush hour.Moments later,Melanie was seated opposite him.“You’re looking very relaxed.Alex.Itake it everything’s still okay betweenyou and Sage?”Alex chuckled as he sat back, hishands casually lying on the couch arms,his long legs stretched out in front.“Having an incredible man in my lifeand a lot of really good sex is definitelyrecommended.”“It’s still good then?” Melanie leanedback, making a notation on her pad.Alex nodded.“Sage has been the bestthing ever for me, Mel.Whilst he hateswhat I do with Eric, he’s trying to dealwith it.It has been difficult but he’s beenso patient.We’ve had one or two littleepisodes of stress but we’re both tryingto deal with it.We’ve been spending alot of time together and we have a realrelationship.” He smiled quietly.“Hetold me he loves me and I said it rightback.”Melanienoddedherheadinapproval.“That’s incredible news.Itsounds like you’re moving along.Youaren’t even coming to therapy as often asyou were.I last saw you two weeksago.”“And I’m not seeing Eric that ofteneither.My next session is in four days’time—Friday.It’ll be about three weekssince I last saw him.I just don’t seem tobe as needy as I was.”Alex sounded very pleased with hisprogress and Melanie smiled.This manhad every right to be proud.“I’ve really toned it down; no heavystuff.I don’t want Sage to have to seeany bite or whip marks.” Alex grinned atthe absurdity of the words.“And I’vetold Madame Duchaine that I no longerneed the sex bit now I’m getting it fromsomeone else.And it’s so much better.”He grinned.“Eric just has to put up withthat part of it.”Melanie smiled even though shethought Alex was being a little toohopeful about Eric’s reaction.“You andEric have had a very intense relationshipfor over two years now, Alex.Are yousure that this gradual downplaying of itto almost nothing is going to beacceptable to him? He may not like thenew rules and he may want you to findsomeone else to partner with.”She didn’t miss the shadow on Alex’sface at her words.“He has been very aggressive andrough when I do see him.I know hemisses the full experience but that’s justnot where I want to be now.” Alex’svoice was resolute.“I’m the customerand he needs to do what I want, not whathe wants.I don’t want to lose Eric but ifI have to, well, then he’ll have to moveon.I have Sage now.”This was the part that worriedMelanie.Alex had certainly come a longway but Melanie was still concernedthat if anything happened to affect hisrelationship with Sage, if the mandecided he’d had enough, it woulddestroy Alex and put him back in aworse place than ever before.“You sound as if you’re placing a lotof reliance in Sage, Alex.” Melanie’svoice was quiet as she tried to think howbest to approach this.“I hate to be aparty pooper but have you thought aboutwhat might happen if he ever used hissafe word?”Alex paled.“Of course I have.” Helooked up at Melanie and the therapistcould see the fear in his eyes.“I thinkabout it all the time.I know what wouldhappen if he did.I’d fall apart.” Hesmiled faintly.“I am so in love with theman.I never thought I’d be able to havethis emotion in my life.I suppose I’mlucky to get this far.So I guess I’ll justhave to hope he doesn’t go anywhere.”He looked at Melanie with a determinedfocus.“I was going to ask Sage if hewanted to move out of Dan’s and comestay with me.He spends so much time atmy place anyway it makes sense.I wasgoing to talk to him about it soon.”Melanie nodded.“It sounds like thatcould work.As long as the two of youdon’t get crowded working and livingtogether.” Her tone was noncommittalbut she wanted to make sure Alex knewwhat he was asking for.Alex frowned.“I guess that’s true.I’ll mention it anyway.If he doesn’twant to, that will be fine.I’ll settle forwhatever I can get from him."“You’reallowedtohaveexpectations, Alex.” Melanie looked athim carefully.“Just tell Sage how youfeel and take it from there [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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