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.Wealth is found with a roadmap, not a dartboard.Self-made millionaires don t become millionaires by stumbling into money, just as financialfailures don t become failures by stumbling into poorness.Both are the direct result of thefinancial roadmap chosen and the actions and beliefs that evolve from that roadmap.Yourfinancial roadmap is definitive to process, and it s the first tool for your road trip to wealth.Your current financial situation is a product of your existing roadmap, whether chosen or not.Your roadmap guides your actions, and the consequences of those actions have created yourfinancial life.How your life unfolds is determined by your choices, and these choices originatefrom your belief systems, and those belief systems evolve from your predisposed roadmap.Ifyou want to change your life, change your choices.To change your choices you must change yourbelief system.Your belief system is defined by your roadmap.How do beliefs affect finances?Beliefs preclude choices, which preclude action.For example, if you believe  rich people got richinvesting in mutual funds your actions will reflect that belief.If some financial guru tells youto cancel your credit cards because  all debt is bad, you do it.If an author says,  $50 investedtoday will be worth $10 million in 40 years, and you believe it, your actions reflect that belief.Beliefs are powerful mechanisms that drive action, whether true or not.Our parents said SantaClaus was real and we believed it.We left cookies, we looked out the window for the flyingTHE) MILLIONAIRE) FASTLANE:) Crack) the) Code) To) Wealth) and) Live) Rich) for) a) Lifetime.)Copyright) 2011:) Unlawful) distribution) or) reproduction) is) strictly) prohibited.) reindeer, and we wondered how he got his big butt down the chimney.We believe what we retaught until we gather evidence to the contrary.Your belief system acts like a roadmap, a compass that, if errant, can lead you to a lifetime ofdetours.Fictitious beliefs are lying roadmaps; they escort you down dead-end roads where Wealth: Next Exit never happens.THE THREE FINANCIAL ROADMAPS TO WEALTHPlotting your course to wealth and building your process starts with an examination of yourcurrent financial roadmap and the alternatives.There are three financial roadmaps:1.The Sidewalk Roadmap2.The Slowlane Roadmap3.The Fastlane RoadmapWithin these three roadmaps lies a psychology, a belief system that dictates actions relative toeach roadmap.More importantly, each roadmap operates within a  universe governed by amathematical  wealth equation. Whatever roadmap you choose, your universe for wealthcreation will abide by each map s respective wealth equation.Additionally, each roadmap isnaturally predisposed toward a specific destination.Those predispositions are:" The Sidewalk > Poorness" The Slowlane > Mediocrity" The Fastlane > WealthWhichever financial roadmap you follow will predispose you to the destination inherent in theroadmap the roadmap s  true essence.What is true essence?If you play blackjack and win 15 consecutive hands, you violate the true essence of randomness.The natural state of randomness is to not deliver 15 wins in a row.When a wild African lion istamed to perform in a Las Vegas magic act, the lion is trained to violate its true essence.Thelion naturally wants to be wild, to hunt, to kill, to feed, to mate.The lion wants to revert to itsnatural self, which is why some flamboyant magicians get their heads bitten off.You have to bespecial to bend the laws of true essence.Similarly, the roadmaps each possess a true essence that leads either to poorness, mediocrity,or wealth.For example, if you follow the Sidewalk, you ll likely end poor.While wealth isTHE) MILLIONAIRE) FASTLANE:) Crack) the) Code) To) Wealth) and) Live) Rich) for) a) Lifetime.)Copyright) 2011:) Unlawful) distribution) or) reproduction) is) strictly) prohibited.) possible using any of the maps, finding it via a roadmap not predisposed to wealth isimprobable.Each roadmap contains key mindsets that act as signposts, or  mindposts, that providedirection and guide actions, just like a roadmap.Those mindposts are:Debt Perception:Does debt control you or do you control your debt?Time Perception:How is your time valued and treated? Abundant? Fleeting? Inconsequential?Education Perception:What role does education have in your life?Money Perception:What is money s role in your life? Is money a tool or a toy? Plentiful or scarce?Primary Income Source:What is your primary means of creating income?Primary Wealth Accelerator:How are you accelerating your net worth and creating wealth? Or are you?Wealth Perception:How do you define wealth?Wealth Equation:What is your mathematical plan for accumulating wealth? What wealth equation defines thephysics of your wealth universe?Destination:Is there a destination? If so, what does it look like?Responsibility & Control:Are you in control of your life and your financial plan?Life Perception:How do you live your life? Do you plan for the future? Forsake today for tomorrow? Ortomorrow for today?THE ROADMAPS OPERATE WITHIN DISTINCT UNIVERSESEach roadmap operates under a specific set of mathematical formulas, the wealth equation thatdetermines the speed at which you can create wealth.Like Einstein s E=MC2, these formulasTHE) MILLIONAIRE) FASTLANE:) Crack) the) Code) To) Wealth) and) Live) Rich) for) a) Lifetime.)Copyright) 2011:) Unlawful) distribution) or) reproduction) is) strictly) prohibited.) govern your wealth universe much like physics governs our universe.And because physics isbound by mathematical absolutes, so are your equations (and probabilities) to wealth.The velocity of wealth acceleration evolves from your chosen roadmap s  universe, and it iswithin these universes that your financial plan accelerates or stalls.Think of it as a railroadtrack, with each track having its own set of speeds, rules, and laws.You can hop aboard a trackthat allows speeds of 20 mph or speeds of 200 mph.If you re unhappy in your financial situation, you can change your universe immediately byswitching roadmaps.However, first, you have to understand the roadmaps to swap them.Let sdissect the three roadmaps in the next three parts of the Millionaire Fastlane: the Sidewalk, theSlowlane, and the Fastlane.CHAPTER SUMMARY: FASTLANE DISTINCTIONS" To force change, change must come from your beliefs, and your roadmap outlines thosebeliefs." Each roadmap is governed by a wealth equation and predisposed to a financialdestination Sidewalk to poorness, Slowlane to mediocrity, and the Fastlane to wealth.THE) MILLIONAIRE) FASTLANE:) Crack) the) Code) To) Wealth) and) Live) Rich) for) a) Lifetime.)Copyright) 2011:) Unlawful) distribution) or) reproduction) is) strictly) prohibited.) --- ~ ---PART 3:The Road Most Traveled: The Sidewalk--- ~ ---THE) MILLIONAIRE) FASTLANE:) Crack) the) Code) To) Wealth) and) Live) Rich) for) a) Lifetime.)Copyright) 2011:) Unlawful) distribution) or) reproduction) is) strictly) prohibited [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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