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.Professor Jones, after working for two years inHarlem, Chinatown, Little Italy and Spanish Harlem, allethnic areas of Manhattan in New York City, produced183 BODY LANGUAGEevidence that this pattern changes.He believes thatconditions of poverty have forced these people to changesome of their cultural behaviour.According to him, thereis a culture of poverty that is stronger than any ethnicsubcultural background.Professor Jones, discussing his paper in a Press inter-view, said, 'When I began studying the behaviourpatterns for subcultures living in New York's so-calledmelting pot, I expected to find that they would maintaintheir differences.Instead I was tremendously surprised todiscover that poverty conditioned them to behave withremarkable similarity.'In overcrowded areas with poor housing, ProfessorJones found that virtually everybody, regardless of theirethnic background, stood about one foot apart.Here is a sociological use of the growing science ofbody language in an attempt to discover how povertyaffects culture.What Professor Jones' findings seem toindicate is that the culture of the American poor overridesethnic and national distinctions.America has become amelting pot, but it is the quality of poverty that meltsdown the barriers to produce a common body language.It would be interesting to take this work further andsee what other areas besides space are influenced bypoverty, or to carry it in the other direction and seeif wealth also breaks down the ethnic rules of bodylanguage.Are the forces of economics stronger thanthose of culture?There are any number of possible studies open to thefuture student of body language, and the beauty of it allis that a minimal amount of equipment is necessary.WhileI know of a number of sophisticated studies that havebeen done with videotape and sixteen-millimetre film anddozens of student volunteers, I also know of a perfectly184 BODY LANGUAGE: USE AND ABUSEcharming project done by a fourteen-year-old boy whosebedroom overlooked a street telephone box in New YorkCity.He used an eight-millimetre motion-picture camera tofilm as much footage of people using the box as his allow-ance would permit, and he then used the family projectorto slow up motion while he noted and identified eachmovement.I know another, older student who is working towardshis doctorate by studying the way people avoid eachother on a crowded street and on a not-so-crowdedstreet.' When there is enough space,' he explained, 'they waittill they're about ten feet apart and then each gives theother a signal so they can move around each other inopposite directions.' He hasn't yet discovered the exactsignal or how it is used to convey which direction eachwill take.Sometimes, of course, the signals are confused and thetwo people come face to face and both move to the rightand then to the left in unison and keep up this silly dancetill they stop, smile apologetically and then move on.Freud called it a sexual encounter.My friend calls itkinesic stuttering.Body language as a science is in its infancy, but thisbook has explored some of the ground rules.Now thatyou know them, take a close look at yourself and yourfriends and family.Why do you move the way you do?What does it signify? Are you dominant or subservient inyour kinesic relationship to others? How do you managespace? Are you its master or do you let it control you?How do you manage space in a business situation? Doyou knock on your boss' door and then walk in? Do youcome up to his desk and dominate him, or do you stop at a185 BODY LANGUAGErespectful distance and let him dominate you? Do youallow him to dominate you as a means of placating him oras a means of handling him?How do you leave an elevator when you are with busi-ness associates? Do you insist on being the last one offbecause of the innate superiority such a gracious gesturegives you? Or do you walk off first, allowing the othersto please you, taking their courtesy as if it were your due?Or do you jockey for position? 'You first.' 'No, you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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