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.This is Jake.Á Ma am,Á he said weakly.His head was spinning.The woman stared at him, and her gaze seemed to pierce his soul and find it lacking. Nice to meet you.Á Odd, that.Á Nix folded his arms.He must have put the pipe away somewhere. You didn t correct me, mate.Thought you said your name was Jeff.ÁJesus, he couldn t think straight.Why was he talking to these people? He d been at the bus station.Someone gave him a dollar.There had been pigeons.They werepigeons. Parking garage,Á he blurted, and some of the fog in his head lifted.He breathed deeply. I mean, I lost my ticket, you know? And now I can t get my car 64S.W.Vaughnout unless I pay the top price.Twenty-five bucks, it s a damned rip off.I ve only got five.Can you help me out? I ve gotta get home.ÁNix bestowed a smile on him, and the last of the confusion evaporated. Aye, we ll help you out,Á he said. Know just what you need.Can you sense it, love?He s lousy with it.Á Yes, and he s locked,Á the woman said. Completely.ÁNix beamed. What a treat! That sorts things, then.He s the one.ÁThe one what? River shook his head. So& you ll help me?Á Absolutely.Á Nix laid a speculative gaze on him. You look hungry, mate.Come along for a nosh, and then we ll settle your car business and whatnot.Á Aye,Á Shade said softly. We will.ÁA shudder went through him, setting off a brief mental alarm.It vanished quickly.Nix was a good guy.Safe.He was going to help.The fact that he wasn t sure what he needed help with anymore barely penetrated as he followed the couple away.* * *By the time River realized something wasn t right, he stood with Nix and Shade in front of a place called the Grotto that didn t seem open for business.It took him aminute to remember what they were supposed to be doing.Getting food and then bailing out his nonexistent car.This place didn t look like it served food even when it was open.Restaurants had windows and menus and posted specials or familiar fast-food logos.This was justa plain brick building with a little sign over the door.Utterly deserted and silent.He smelled trouble.Nix pulled the door open.A faint glow inside, probably a security light, revealed nothing about whatever was behind the door. Come on in, then,Á he said.Unforgiven65 I ll pass.Á River backed up a step. Look, I don t know who you are or what you want.I don t even know why I followed you here.But this is weird, and Igotta go.ÁHe turned to leave, hoping he wasn t about to get knifed or shot and dragged inside anyway. Up to you, mate,Á Nix said, and River heard the door shut. We just thought you might like to know where Braelan is.Á He froze. What did you say?Á Braelan.You re keen on finding him, aren t you?ÁImpossible.These people didn t know shit about him, not even his name, and the chances of him randomly bumping into someone who knew Braelan in this citywere about a zillion to one.He turned back slowly. How the fuck did you know that?Á You told us, mate.Said Braelan owes you something.Á No, I damn well didn t.Á Suit yourself.Á Nix shrugged. But he s in there, upstairs.ÁHis heart ramped up to thrumming speed.He told himself it wasn t from knowing Braelan was so close, didn t have shit to do with a lingering attraction to thebastard that he was sure would be gone soon.It was because he d have a chance to get the money back and stave off absolute desperation a while longer.But he had to be careful.If Braelan was actually in there, finding him like this was too convenient.Maybe he really was some kind of mob boss, and he d sent Nixand Shade out to bring him in.It was the only halfway reasonable explanation.And it d mean this building was their turf.Anything could happen if he went inside.He met Nix s patient, slightly amused gaze. Tell him to come out here.ÁNix stared at him.And laughed. Oh, you are quite the interesting one! You ve no fear at all, do you?Á Shaking his head, still chuckling, he pulled out a cell phone. Very well, then.I ll ring him up for you.Á66S.W.VaughnWhile River waited, he shoved a hand in his pocket and curled it around his knife.Just in case.At this point he was beyond expecting normal things to happen.It took only a few seconds for Nix to get an answer. Cobalt,Á he said. Can you send Braelan out round the front? He s a visitor to see him.Á He paused. Poor man isn t sure what his name is.Might be Jeff or Jake.Á Grinning, he sent River a wink, paused again. Aye.We ll hang about.Is he& ah, sounds like heknows, then.Thanks kindly, mate.Á He disconnected and said,  He ll be down directly.Á Nix [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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