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. Your eye is&.Javier gave a grim almost-smile.The eye was damaged, yes.A cloudy grayish blue hazed the surface,and the pupil was pale yellow rather than black.The pattern of theiris was irregular, with the ring of fine muscle strands that wereusually arrayed like spokes on a wheel culminating in a knot instead,166 like a burl of wood. It s still there.Tim leaned in, and Javier kept himself still not just still, but ramrod-straight.As Tim landed the kiss, he felt awkward even more awkwardthan he had in his fantasies.But it was something he needed to do.Javier s scarred eyebrow tickled Tim s upper lip, and his eyelash, ashe closed his damaged eye, brushed the lower.Tim kissed the eyelidgently, then sat back so he could see Javier s face his whole face.He was beautiful.Tim didn t usually think men were  beautiful,but Javier was.His features were exotic: striking and dark.Only thestrength of his eyebrows saved him from looking feminine.And oneof those eyebrows was now in three segments, over the discoloredeye set in the patch of blotched skin.Looking at that eye was painful,not because of its appearance, but because every fiber of Tim s beingwinced in sympathy at the notion of something so painful happeningto his own face, his own eye.Tim had placed his hands on Javier s knees when he leaned in for thekiss.He considered removing them, but didn t.They were both so still they were hardly breathing when the soundof someone clearing their throat made both of them jump apart.Timturned toward the sound.Nelson.He sidled along the wall of the conference room, looking sheepish. Don t mind me& just taking a little trip to the bathr whoa, youreye.Javier was clearly not happy about the intrusion, but it would haveprobably been more of a spectacle for him to cover his scars back upand tell Nelson to take a hike.Nelson was undaunted.He crossed to167 the couch where Tim and Javier sat facing each other, and dropped toone knee between them with a hand on each of their thighs.It was so easy for him to touch people. Wow, are those chemical burns? Yes. Any vision left? Light and dark.No focus. So you keep it covered why?Tim felt the tension drain out of Javier. The doctors said my brainmight adjust I guess neurons can do that& but mine never did.It slike I m seeing clouds over everything.It s better to keep the lightout of it.Less distracting.Nelson s tone was so matter-of-fact, it made the way they d beenacting seem silly.Both of them.Javier for guarding his scarred eyelike a profound secret, and Tim for treating it like some kind ofsacred relic.Nelson glanced down, as if he d just then realized he d insinuatedhimself between them.Each of them now was touching Nelsonwith a hand on Tim s and Javier s knees, and Tim s hand on Javier sforearm.Tim had noticed, but he d been reluctant to think too hardabout it, for fear that whatever was on the brink of happening mightveer from the course he hardly dared hope for.It felt as if the tensionthat had just drained from Javier crawled across the couch and seizedhim, instead.His heart started pounding so fast he was worried hemight keel over.He was afraid to even breathe.Nelson said,  Sorry& I didn t mean to interrupt anything. Only hedidn t seem sorry.And he didn t take his hands off their thighs.He168 smiled first at Javier, and then at Tim, as if he d just said somethingelse entirely. Shameless, Javier said.He looked at Tim, then.With both eyes.Although one of those eyes saw nothing but clouds& and the giddythought floated to the surface of Tim s awareness, now that time hadground to an interminable sustained moment, and everything hadbecome completely surreal that maybe being seen through a hazeof clouds would be a good look for him.Javier said,  I was going totell you to choose him  Why choose? Nelson said to Javier. I d expect that binary logicfrom the computer genius over here.Not you. I m a realist. No you re a pessimist.Tim marveled over the idea that Nelson had referred to him as a computer genius and not a  computer geek. And not sarcastically,either.He hadn t realized Nelson had noticed him at the computer.He hadn t realized Nelson had noticed he existed.And he d done nothing but notice Nelson and try to rectify whoNelson Oliver actually was, to who Tim thought he was, initially, whenTim had attributed Javier s chatroom personality to him.Nelson seemed intrepid, but not forceful [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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