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.One Mind there is; but under it two principles contend.2.The Mind lets in the light, then the dark, in interaction; so time is generated.At the end Mindawards victory to the light; time ceases and the Mind is complete.3.He causes things to look different so it would appear time has passed.4.Matter is plastic in the face of mind.5.One by one he draws us out of the world.6.The Empire never ended.7.The Head Apollo is about to return.St.Sophia is going to be born again; she was not acceptablebefore.The Buddha is in the park.Siddhartha sleeps (but is going to awaken).The time you havewaited for has come.8.The upper realm has plenary1 ( 1 Var.plenipotentiary) p owers.9.He lived a long time ago, but he is still alive.10.Apollonius of Tyana, writing as Hermes Trismegistos, said, "That which is above is that whichis below." By this he meant to tell us that our universe is a hologram, but he lacked the term.11.The great secret known to Apollonius of Tyana, Paul of Tarsus, Simon Magus, Asklepios,Paracelsus, Boehme and Bruno is that: we are moving backward in time.The universe in fact iscontracting into a unitary entity which is completing itself.Decay and disorder are seen by us inreverse, as increasing.These healers learned to move forward in time, which is retrograde to us.12.The Immortal One was known to the Greeks as Dionysos; to the Jews as Elijah; to theChristians as Jesus.He moves on when each human host dies, and thus is never killed or caught.Hence Jesus on the cross said, "Eli, Eli, lama Sobachthani," to which some of those present correctlysaid, "The man is calling on Elijah." Elijah had left him and he died alone.13.Pascal said, "All history isone immortal man who continually learns." This is the ImmortalOne whom we worship without knowing his name."He lived a long time ago, but he is still alive,"and, "The Head Apollo is about to return." The name changes.14.The universe is information and we are stationary in it, not three-dimensional and not in spaceor time.The information fed to us we hypostatize into the phenomenal world.15.The Sibyl of Cumae protected the Roman Republic and gave timely warnings.In the firstcentury c.e.she foresaw the murders of the Kennedy brothers, Dr.King and Bishop Pike.She saw the two common denominators in the four murdered men: first, they stood in defense of the liberties ofthe Republic; and second, each man was a religious leader.For this they were killed.The Republic hadonce again become an empire with a caesar."The Empire never ended."16.The Sibyl said in March 1974, "The conspirators have been seen and they will be brought tojustice." She saw them with the third or ajna eye, the Eye of Shiva which gives inward discernment,but which when turned outward blasts with desiccating heat.In August 1974 the justice promised bythe Sibyl came to pass.17.The Gnostics believed in two temporal ages: the first or present evil; the second or futurebenign.The first age was the Age of Iron.It is represented by a Black Iron Prison.It ended in August1974 and was replaced by the Age of Gold, which is represented by a Palm Tree Garden.18.Real time ceased in 70 c.e.with the fall of the temple at Jerusalem.It began again in 1974 c.e.The intervening period was a perfect spurious interpolation aping the creation of the Mind."TheEmpire never ended," but in 1974 a cypher was sent out as a signal that the Age of Iron was over; thecypher consisted of two words: KING FELIX, which refers to the Happy (or Rightful) King.19.The two-word cypher signal KING FELIX was not intended for human beings but for thedescendants of Ikhnaton, the three-eyed race which, in secret, exists with us.20.The Hermetic alchemists knew of the secret race of three-eyed invaders but despite then:efforts could not contact them.Therefore their efforts to support Frederick V, Elector Palatine, Kingof Bohemia, failed."The Empire never ended."21.The Rose Cross Brotherhood wrote, "Ex Deo nascimur, in Jesu mortimur, per spiritum sanctumreviviscimus," which is to say, "From God we are born, in Jesus we die, by the Holy Spirit we liveagain." This signifies that they had rediscovered the lost formula for immortality which the Empirehad destroyed."The Empire never ended."22.I term the Immortal one a plasmate, because it is a form of energy; it is living information.Itreplicates itself -- not through information or in information -- but as information.23.The plasmate can crossbond with a human, creating what I call a homoplasmate.This annexesthe mortal human permanently to the plasmate.We know this as the "birth from above" or "birth fromthe Spirit." It was initiated by Christ, but the Empire destroyed all the homoplasmates before theycould replicate.24.In dormant seed form, the plasmate slumbered in the buried library of codices at Chenoboskionuntil 1945 c.e.This is what Jesus meant when he spoke elliptically of the "mustard seed" which, hesaid, "would grow into a tree large enough for birds to roost in." He foresaw not only his own deathbut that of all homoplasmates [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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