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. So, then, who cares? You still like us, right? Jack again. Dillon and I both love you all.You boys have come to mean so much to me in the little timeI ve known you.It ll only grow through the years.There ll be people who call us names and maysay things to you and, if that happens, you let us know.Remember how the policeman that hasour dogs first thought we were doing bad things to you all? When they all nodded, Soldier wenton,  There ll be people who think we would do things like that.They don t understand that beinggay means you like other men, not little boys.like that.We would never do anything wrong toany of you. He looked at Tommy and smiled, glad they were on the same page.Soldier - 131  We ll protect you with our lives, I swear it.It s okay for us to help you get dressed, or the littleones to shower, or whatever.It s just like having two dads instead of a dad and a mom.You resafe with us in all ways. Soldier had to have their understanding on this.He wanted no worriesfrom his boys about their safety. Do any of you doubt that? If so, let me know now and we lldeal with your fears.Any problems? Questions? Soldier held his breath.He knew the little onesweren t able to understand it all, but he figured the others were pretty knowledgeable about theways of the world.There was silence for a long while then Gom looked at Soldier and asked in that little voice ofhis,  Do you mean I can t sleep with you anymore.you know, when I can t sleep for a longtime? No, baby, it does not.Come here. Soldier gathered Gom into his lap and hugged him. I willalways be there for you.Listen up, now.Here s how I see it going.This does not mean thatDillon and I will go in our room and lock the door and not be available to you all.We will go inand close the door.If you need one of us you knock.you always, always knock good and loud,and we ll tell you when you can come in. He was mentally crossing his fingers, hoping thiswould work and no one would forget and be traumatized for life. We will never ignore you or not answer you.It doesn t mean we want to be away from you all,it just means we want to be alone together some, too. Soldier looked down at his buddy in hislap and said,  Gom, we ll shop for another chair and, when you need me, we ll sack out in it justlike before.Dillon will probably be glad to get away from my snoring. You don t snore, Soldier, Gom protested.Soldier laughed and kissed the top of Gom s head. So, do any of you have a problem with usbeing together as a couple? He waited and looked around.They all shook their heads. Will youpromise to come to one of us with any problem or question you have about anything at all? Yes, sir.We -- at least I -- don t care if you re gay.We re glad you make Dillon happy and thathe makes you happy, too.We want to stay together with the two of you, right guys? Thank theLord for Tommy. Yeah.I don t care.Long as you don t make us leave.and you don t leave us either. That wasJack again. Wow.You guys are great.I ve been so afraid you would not like it and that it would be aproblem for you. Soldier smiled as he breathed a sigh of relief that things had gone so well. You all make me so happy to be part of this.can we say we re a family? Would you like that?The name of our house is going to be Scarcity Sanctuary.It will be where boys like you come tobe helped just like you all have. He thought a second and went on to relieve their minds thatnothing was changing in the immediate future. We won t take in a lot of new kids right off.It lljust be us for a while.You all will be part of the building and planning of the whole thing.Whata project, huh? You ll still call us Dill and Soldier, but I already consider you all my kids. HeSoldier - 132 really did think of himself as a father to these boys.It was amazing how that much emotioncould grow in so short a time. I know Dillon does, too.I m just glad he has agreed to share youall with me.Dillon had been silent through all of this and Soldier suddenly felt bad that he d monopolized thewhole thing.He turned to Dillon and said,  I m sorry.I ve taken over again.I didn t mean toleave you out of it.I just spoke for both of us like I had a right to. You do.You said everything right.I wouldn t change a thing.Are you all as happy as I am thatSoldier came along?A chorus of  yeah followed, and all the boys headed for Dillon and Soldier and toppled themover, crawling on them and hugging and laughing.It was wonderful fun and so welcome.Whew.Another hurdle conquered.On to the next one.Bring  em on.Soldier felt like he could tackle anyproblem now.Soldier - 133 Chapter ThirteenSoldier was so excited that he was shaking.He and Dillon were going to spend hours together,alone.Daniel and some other staff members from the shelter were taking the boys to the park,and then to supper and a movie at the shelter.Daniel would bring them back to the house whenthe movie was over.The boys were excited.They liked Daniel and, since they had been in the house for over twoweeks, they were comfortable knowing they would return to safety.Soldier was on his way to their new home now from the construction site.He spent some timethere each day.The crew was still clearing the mess and leveling the area.They had all spentdays working on the plans, including the boys in some things, and all were happy with the finalplans.Even Daniel had been part of the planning, putting his seal of approval on the way theyhad set things up.Soldier finally made it into the driveway in his new truck.He d needed something besides theHummer so they would both have something and the Hummer held them all easily.The newtruck was handy for working.Soldier walked in and stood a moment looking at Dillon. Is it true? We re alone for hours? Allalone? How did you manage that? Daniel came up with the idea, bless his heart.He and the others are going to keep the boys 'tillater tonight.They ll be very diligent and watch out for Tommy s people and make sure he ssafe.So, sexy man, what do you want to do.first? Dillon s voice held sweet seduction.Soldier walked over, took Dillon's hand, and pulled him toward the stairs.They walked steadilyand surely to their room.Soldier closed the door behind them and locked it, feeling he could dothat since they were alone.As soon as they were positively private, he turned to Dillon. Do youknow how hungry I am? How much I want you? Got a good idea.About as much as I want you, need you.We get together so seldom, it s likewe need to do everything we can all at once.You go first.I m all yours.Soldier stalked him as Dillon headed toward the big couch [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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