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. After I had expelled the last tear frommy eyes, I wiped the moisture from mycheeks and looked at Kane.The smallcircles he had been rubbing on my backwhile I had my breakdown werecomforting.I couldn t believe that I hadjust spilled my guts like that to him, but Ifelt unbelievably better about the wholesituation.I couldn t deny the feelings thatwere growing for him anymore, and Iwould not be comfortable keeping thatpart of my life hidden from him. Thank you. His voice startled me andI gave him a questioning look. For trusting me enough to tell me that.Icouldn t imagine growing up with acoward like your father.If you don t mindme asking & what happened to him?I shrugged. He went to prison and Ihave not seen or spoken to him since.Hecould have died in there for all I know.Which was true.The last time I d seenmy father was when the court officerswere escorting him out of the courtroomthe day he was sentenced for my mom smurder.I remember feeling his cold stareon me.I had made it all through the trail,not wasting one single look at him, but I dmade the mistake of looking up just beforehe had fully exited the courtroom.He was, of course, staring at me.Hisface had no expression, but his eyes said itall.He hated me, he probably always had. Not once do I ever remember hearing myfather tell my mother or me that he lovedus.How could he after the way he hadtreated my mother? But the way his eyeslooked in this moment, there was nomistaking it.He hated me.Hated me forwhat was happening to him.There was no sorrow or guilt aboutwhat he had done.Just the rage and theanger because now he was no longer incontrol and in that moment I silentlyprayed he would never make it out ofprison alive.That the prisoners he wouldnow be living with would show him thesame treatment he had shown my motherall those years.My father ended up being convicted ofmurder in the 3rd degree.The bastard wasa quick thinker and had actually taken the time to run back to the kitchen, grab aknife, slice his arm and plant it on mymother, claiming she came at him with itwith intent to kill him and that he was onlydefending himself.I, of course, told myside of what had happened that night, andthe jury ultimately found him guilty in theend.After walking out of the courtroom thatday, I vowed I would never think of himagain and went straight to file papers tolegally change my last name to Rien mymother s maiden name.I had become soused to it now that his last name was allbut a distant memory.The only people who knew that my lastname was not Rien were Jessi, her family,and the people from my hometown & andthat was the way it would stay.This was one truth I wouldn t even tell Kane.Iwould no longer be tainted by that man.Iwanted no part of anything that had to dowith my father and I never would.So Iwould never acknowledge having thatname ever again.Kane sat there silence for anothersecond or two before standing.He heldboth hands out for me and I laid my handsin his to let him pull me up.He gentlyrubbed my knuckles with his thumbs. I mso glad I met you Kelsey and I m so glad Ibrought you here.This place has alwaysbeen special to me and now that I haveyou here with me, it s perfect.I smiled up and he slowly lowered hishead to mine, kissing me so softly and sodeeply that the rest of the world and thememories melted away into the dark night. Kane drove me back to the dormsshortly after that.He waited on hismotorcycle until I had made in safelyinside.When I was safely inside my dormbuilding I turned and gave him a smallwave through the window.He nodded hishead at me before he took off into thenight.As I waited for the elevator I couldn tstop touching my lips.They were stillslightly swollen from the heavy make outsession we d had on his bike before Ifinally climbed off to come inside.As I stepped onto the elevator, myphone chimed with a text from Jessi lettingme know she was staying with Landon.Sothat meant there would be no walking inon any nakedness tonight.Thank God.Iwas still drained from telling Kane about my past.Crying always made me sleepyand all I could think about now was takinga shower, crashing, and waking uptomorrow and pretending it neverhappened.After showering and drying my hairbecause my mom always said don t go tosleep with wet hair or you will get sick Iclimbed in my bed.I had no more pulledthe covers up over my body when myphone vibrated from the night stand.Kane: Can t stop thinking abouttonight.Kane.My cheeks immediately pulledup into a smile.Me neither [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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