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.And that kindly one, who guided the feathers of my wings to so lofty a flight, thus preventedme in the reply:  The Church militant has not any son with more hope, as is written in theSun who beams on all our host; wherefore to him it is permitted that from Egypt to Jerusalemhe come to behold, before his term of service be prescribed for him.The other two points,which are not demanded for the sake of knowledge, but that he may report how much thouhast this virtue in delight, I leave to him, for they will not be hard to him, nor ground ofboasting; and let him answer to this; and may the grace of God bear with him in this.As a learner, who follows a teacher readily and willingly in that wherein he is expert, sothat his excellence may be discovered,  Hope, said I,  is a sure expectation of the glory thatshall be, which grace divine produces and foregoing merit.From many stars comes this lightto me; but he first distilled it into my heart, who was the supreme singer of the supremeLeader. Let them hope in Thee, he says in his Theody,  who know Thy name; and who knows it not, if he has my faith? Thou didst instil it into me with his instilling in the Epistlethereafter, so that I am full of it, and shed in turn your rain upon other. While I wasspeaking, within the living bosom of that blaze quivered a flash sudden and close, in fashionof lightning.Then came the breath:  The love wherewith I glow yet towards the virtue whichfollowed me even to the palm, and to my issue from the field, wills that I breathe again tothee who makest thy delight of it; and it is for my pleasure that thou tell that which thy hopepromises thee. And I:  The new and the old Scriptures set the mark, and this points it outto me, of the souls which God has made friends to Him.Isaiah says that each one shall beclad in its own land with a twofold raiment; and its own land is this sweet life.And thybrother with far more of ripeness, in that place where he treats of the white robes, makesmanifest this revelation to us.And first, hard upon the end of these words Sperent in te was heard above us, to whichall the choirs responded; then among them a light brightened, so that if the Crab possessedsuch a gem the winter would have one month of a single day.And as a joyous maiden risesand goes and enters a dance only to do Honor to the new bride and not for any fault, so sawI the glory that had shone forth come to the two who were turning in such a wheel asbeseemed their burning love.It put itself there into the chant and into the music, and myLady held her gaze on them, just like a bride silent and unmoved. This is he who lay uponthe breast of our Pelican, and this one was from upon the cross chosen to the great office.Thus my Lady; nor for all that did her words move her sight from staying intent afterwardsmore than before.As he is who looks and prepares himself to see the sun eclipsed a little, thatthrough seeing he becomes sightless, so I grew at this latest fire, until it was said to me:  Whydost thou dazzle thyself to behold a thing which here has no place? On earth, earth is mybody, and it will be there with the others so long as our number is being made equal with theeternal purpose.With the two garments in the blessed cloister are the two lights only whowent up: and this thou shalt report to your world. At this voice the flaming circle was still,together with the sweet blending which was made of the sound of the threefold breath; justas through the ceasing of toil or risk the oars, till then beaten again and again in the water,all pause at the sound of a whistle.Ah! how was I moved in my mind, when I turned to seeBeatrice, through being unable to see her, albeit I was near to her, and in the world of bliss! C A N T O XXVIARGUMENTSt.John exam ines Dante concerning love, and especially love tow ards God.Afterwards Adam comes, and resolvescertain doubts respecting the first state of man.WHILE I was doubting by reason of my quenched vision, from the effulgent flame thatquenched it issued a breath which made me attentive, saying:  Whiles thou art regainingsense of the sight which thou hast consumed upon me, it is well that thou make up for it inconverse.Begin then, and say where thy soul is centred, and reckon that the sight in thee isbewildered and not defunct; because the Lady, who is guiding thee through this bright region,has in her glance the virtue which the hand of Ananias had [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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