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.They can be found in all regions of the world and inall periods since prehistoric times.Cultural and ethnic diversity (pluralism) are not new.Ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as social pluralism, existed in the past and exist now, inour modern world.The earliest ethnic communities (proto-ethnic groups: tribes, races, ethnicgroups) and ethnic identities ore of older origin than nations and national identities.This isbecause nations and national states, which are the result of the culmination of the process ofethnic formation of a community, and national identities, are fairly recent phenomena, formedbetween the end of 18th and the end of the 20th centuries.This is the model in which ethnicity and the ethnic identity are viewed as a process inwhich different social, ethnic and/or national identities originate, continuously develop andtransform (1) within organized ethnic groups, (nations), sub-ethnic groups, and theirsubcultures (ethnic groups); (2) on the level of continuous social changes, social relations andsituations, and (3) on the level of interpersonal relationships in the process of socialinteraction.In the course of these on-going changes in the present, and greatly influenced bymodernization and integration of societies and modern social systems, we are witnesses of thebirth of entirely new phenomena.Besides individual and group identities we can also see theformation of entire collective identities: cultural, educational, political, economic, ethnic,national, etc.Klju%0ńne rije%0ńi:ethnic, ethnic group, nation, Croatian nation, nationalism, ethnic and national identity,cultural identity, modern society [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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