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. Because Alicewas flying.Figuratively before the literally part. Mr.Barrett, are you aware of drugs on campus? Sure, John said. Lots of pot, probably plenty of other stuff too.It s acollege.I don t worry about the pot.If I knew who was selling the hard stuff Iwould tell you.I don t.Carstairs looked around. This is a nice house.Must have cost quite a bit. I used to work for a big firm. Ryan admired John s calm tone. I had somesavings. There s money to be made selling drugs on campus. I m sure there is.But not for me.Carstairs drained the mug and set it in the sink. If I find out either of youknew something that could have helped us and didn t pass it along, she said, I ll be back, and you won t like it. You re welcome back any time, John said.Carstairs gave him a smile that didn t reach her eyes. Your roommate is rightby the way.Great coffee.Ryan stood up quickly. I ll let you out.140 www.samhainpublishing.com The Rebuilding YearWhen he came back to the kitchen, John was still sitting at the table peeringinto his empty mug. How come you didn t get mad when she practically accused you of dealingdrugs? Ryan asked.John shrugged. She s fishing.I imagine they don t have many leads.Can tblame them for chasing anything they do have. So she should just come here and accuse you? She was looking for a reaction. John looked up at him. Why did you tellher you were my roommate? Because I am, Ryan said defensively. Anything else is none of herbusiness. Yeah, except she said roommate like she didn t buy it.And now she llwonder what else I m hiding. What did you want me to say?John said steadily,  I think of you as my boyfriend.Ryan winced. I hate that word.It s so& high school. If you were dating a woman, you d call her your girlfriend. Maybe.But it s not the same thing. What do you think we are, then? Lovers, partners, fuck buddies, friendswith benefits, what? I don t, Ryan said desperately. I don t put a name on it.Christ, John, it sonly been a week.I m still trying to accept the fact that my biggest fantasy thesedays involves getting another man naked in bed.You re my best friend and wehave sex and I don t put a label on it. Do you want to hide it?www.samhainpublishing.com 141 Kaje Harper Not hide it. Ryan was aware that John s eyes were wary, waiting. I justdon t see where it s anyone else s business.We can live our lifewithout& advertising. So if I see you on campus I m allowed to& what? Shake your hand? Is a hugokay, if there s some manly backslapping included? Don t.Don t push me.Not yet.John nodded. I m sorry.I guess I m greedy.I want it all.I want to have yourpicture on my cell phone, and call you for no reason, and kiss you when I seeyou.Ryan couldn t imagine it, didn t want to.He had to head this off.He walkedover to John and fisted a hand in his shirt. You could kiss me now.John s eyes warmed. I don t know if I want to do that, he drawled. You do. Ryan hauled him upward.John stood slowly, and then bent hishead.It took nothing, just the barest touch of mouths, for the heat to ignite.Johnkissed him like he wanted to eat him alive.He shoved Ryan back against thetable, demanding his mouth.Ryan heard a book go flying.He pulled free to say,  My histology text. To hell with histology. John s hands were hard, rough, over his back anddown inside the waistband of his jeans.He bit at Ryan s neck, sucked hard.Ryanleaned in tighter, more. The bed is upstairs. To hell with the bed. John dropped to his knees in front of Ryan, handsfumbling with fasteners.And then Ryan s fingers were tangled in that auburnhair, and John s mouth was too full for talking.142 www.samhainpublishing.com The Rebuilding YearJohn juggled the grocery bags as he opened the front door.There was anunfamiliar car in the drive.He wondered if the cops were back again.If theywere, he hoped Ryan was keeping his temper.Carstairs had been aroundcampus all week, and she d made it a point to seek John out more than once.Ryan was ticked off, but John could sympathize with the detective s frustration.He was the closest thing they had to a lead, because they basically had no leads.And both the college and the community urgently wanted this thing solved,before sensationalist publicity made too many parents decide to send their littledarlings elsewhere to school.As he set the bags on the counter, he took note of the voices in the livingroom.Ryan and another man.Conversation sounded cordial.John put the milkand orange juice in the fridge and then wandered in.Ryan was sitting in the wingback chair.Across from him another man sat onthe couch.He looked vaguely familiar, but John couldn t place him.Dark brownhair, dark eyes, a pleasant face, slightly overweight.He was dressed in a businesssuit, the tie pulled loose and one button undone.Ryan looked up as John came in, and he smiled, but it was a strained, paleversion of his usual. Hey, John, I d like you to meet my brother, Brent.Brent,this is my roommate, John Barrett.John held out his hand. Hey, good to meet you.Ryan s told me about you.Brent s handshake was solid. Wish I could say the same.But I haven t heardfrom little brother in six months.I missed the Christmas family thing. I sent you a card, Ryan said. Yeah, great, so I knew you were still alive and able to sign your name.Thanks, bro. You could have called me.www.samhainpublishing.com 143 Kaje HarperBrent looked uncomfortable. Well, I wasn t sure, you know, you weren tvery talkative last time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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