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.""Your thoughtfulness touches me deeply," said Jaeger."But you must take mefor an idiot.""A natural mistake," Simon said apologetically."All I really had to judge bywas your face."Any hint of amusement which might have been on Jaeger's lips had completelyevaporated, and his voice was hard and biting."I am not here to waste time talking.Open it!"The Saint opened it.As the glass swung outward, a breeze sharp with the feeland taste of Alpine ice swept into the room, rustling the heavy drapes.Evenin summer the peaks which towered not far from the city let nobody forgettheir snowy domination.Death and the white glaciers high above clouds in themoonlight seemed brothers at this moment, and the Saint sensed that the darkwind which swept down from them had coursed through his whole life, fillingevery instant with the crystalline tingle of supernal frost.The barrel of the black pistol was levelled at his chest."Turn around," Jaeger said softly."Maybe we can make a deal," the Saint said without moving."Has it occurredto you that I might have some information you could use?""No, it has not," Jaeger answered, "and I don't believe that anything you saycould convince me.I've done well enough so far on my own, and I don't needany deals with anybody.Turn around and face the window."Page 64 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"If you shoot," Simon said calmly, "there'll be people all over you beforeyou can get out of the door."Jaeger's voice crackled with a tension like static electricity."Turn around immediately!"The Saint obeyed, shifting his position so that he stood facing the openwindow.Ahead of him, across a wide void of empty air, was the tall apartmentbuilding that faced the Hotel Portal from the far side of a traffic circle.Below, just beyond the window ledge but a long way beneath it, were the canopyof the hotel's marquee, the taxis with headlights like flashlight beams, andforeshortened views of miniature people.Behind him, Simon could hear Curt Jaeger moving, stepping very quietly acrossthe carpet towards the window.A sensation of warming confidence began tospread through the Saint's veins."You wouldn't be thinking of saving ammunition, would you, Curt?" heinquired."Considering something even sneakier than a shot in the back andless noisy?"Jaeger, predictably, made no reply, and just as predictably he came ontowards Simon's back.The Saint's acute hearing measured each step the otherman took, plotted his distance, noted the rustle of the material of his jacketas he raised his gun arm above Simon's head, poising the heavy barrel beforesmashing it down on the back of his skull.Then, with a timing that allowed only the shaving of a second's error, theSaint exploded into action.His whole body ducked and whirled just as Jaegerchopped down with the automatic, and it was only Jaeger's wrist that landed onSimon's shoulder a harmless blunting of the blow that was to have cracked hishead with a handful of steel.In the same tornado of movement that saved him from being knocked out of thewindow, Simon turned from defence to offence.One of his elbows smashed intoJaeger's ribs and sent him staggering away.With a speed and balance that lefthis adversary in total confusion, he continued his pivot, snatched Jaeger'sgun arm, and with a bone-shattering chop of his straightened right hand bashedthe pistol out of the man's fingers to the floor.Jaeger gave a yelp of pain and struck out wildly with his other fist.Itcaught Simon harmlessly on a protective forearm, but his own fist was moreeffective.It made forceful contact with Jaeger's anatomy in the vicinity ofhis private beer-cellar, doubling him up and flinging him back against thewall not far from the open window."Give up, chum," Simon said."You didn't figure on having to fight for yourloot, and you've gone too soft to handle anything tougher than a lightweightfemale."Jaeger, wheezing for breath, grabbed up a sharp-edged glass ashtray andhurled it at the Saint.It flew past Simon's ear and thumped on to the sofa."If you mistreat the crockery I'll have to ask you to leave," said the Saint.He went after his opponent again, and Jaeger countered by trying for aclinch, tangling Simon's arms with his own and using all his weight to pushhim back towards the window.The Saint balked, braced himself, and freed ahand.He cocked back his fist and unleashed a short jab at Jaeger's nose.Page 65 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlJaeger staggered, letting go his grip on Simon, and launched a vicious kick.The Saint caught the flying foot in midair."Sorry to behave badly for a host," he said, "but I'll have to ask you toleave."With both hands on Jaeger's ankle he whipped him around in a perfectly timedswing that sent the other man not against the wall this time, but straight atthe open window.And suddenly there was only one man left in the room.Simon braced himself on the window frame and looked down, secure in theknowledge that there were no lights on to reveal his interest to anybody inthe street below or in the neighbouring buildings.There was a hole in theglass outcrop of the marquee six storeys down, and great excitement among thepeople on the sidewalk.Jaeger's sudden ungainly appearance in front of thehotel was already public knowledge, but nobody unless someone had happened tobe looking directly upwards as he made his unsuccessful attempt to defy theforce which controlled Newton's apple  would know from which window he hadfallen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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