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.She checked her watch andwinced.10 p.m.It couldn t be anyone from Simpsoncalling.Everyone went to bed at 9p.m.It could only be one person.Herbert Davis.And if he was calling at this late hour, itwasn t good news.She stood for just a second by the bed until she wascertain her legs would hold.She d just finished climaxing and her system was still inoverdrive.When she stood, shecould feel wetness trickling down her thighs.She driedherself with a quick swipe fromthe sheet and grabbed a dressing gown from the chairas she went into the living room,the cotton whipping through the air as she struggledinto it while lunging for the phone. Hello? Her voice was still husky from sex and shecleared her throat. Hello?  Julia? Julia Devaux? Julia s heart gave a great thumpas she heard her real namespoken for the first time in six weeks. Mr.Davis, she breathed.Clearly, the old rules wereout.He was using her realname and he didn t complain that she was using his.Something was very, very wrong. Yeah, that s right.Herbert Davis.Now, I want you tolisten carefully, Julia.Wethink your identity has been compromised.We re notabsolutely certain, but we regoing to play it safe.From this moment on, I don twant you to leave your house.I don twant you to talk to anyone; I don t want you to contactanyone.No one at all, do youunderstand me? You can t trust anyone.You might bein danger and we re coming to getyou.Now this is what I want you to do The phone clattered heavily on the table, falling fromJulia s nerveless fingers.Shecould hear Herbert Davis voice squawking from thereceiver, a tinny remote sound. Julia? Julia! Answer me! What the hell is going on?Julia? Who was that? a deep, raspy voice asked. Julia gasped and swiveled.Cooper stood in thedoorway, one powerful arm bracedagainst the frame.I don t want you to talk to anyone.Idon t want you to trust anyone, Davishad said.Well, though Cooper didn t talk much, having sex withhim was probably includedin Herbert Davis list of things not to do. No one, she said breathlessly.She reached downblindly and slammed thestill-squawking phone back on the hook.It bouncedand the receiver lay askew over thekeys. No one at all.It was& just a wrong number.Her dressing gown was gapingopen.It was crazy, she and Cooper had just made love,but she pulled the gown aroundher tightly.Cooper moved forward and Julia took aninstinctive step backwards. Sally? Cooper frowned. What s wrong? He walkedtowards her as she backedaway, until she hit the wall.Julia clutched the wall ather back, as if it could protect her.As if anything could protect her against Cooper.He was so powerful it frightened her.She hadn t oftenseen him naked in full light. He was fearsome.His shoulders and arms were heavilyroped with muscle, massivelypowerful.It would be useless struggling against him ifhe chose to attack her.If hewanted to, Cooper could overpower her in one second,snap her neck the next and neverbreak the rhythm of his breathing.Julia could remember reading somewhere that thesoldiers of Sparta had foughtnaked, to terrify the enemy.Well, it worked.She was terrified.Cooper stopped in front of her, arms braced on eitherside of her head.She wastrapped.She stared straight ahead at the black chest hairs, at theindentation where hispectorals met, then slowly brought her gaze up.Hisface was tight, expressionless.Astranger s face.Her lover s face.Trust no one.She brought a trembling hand to cup his cheek.Shecould feel his jaw musclesworking under her fingers.He hadn t shaved recently.His skin was warm, and hisheavy beard rasped against her fingertips. Trust no one. Cooper, she whispered.A tear welled over andslipped down her face.She shookher head slowly, her eyes on his. God help me, if Ican t trust you& I don t want tolive.Cooper didn t answer.He just opened his arms.Juliarushed straight into them.After holding her for several long minutes, Coopercarried her to the sofa and satthem down.Julia wound her arms around his neck andcried.It was totally unstoppable.She cried out her rage and despair and fear, holding onto him tightly.He didn t sayanything.He just sat and held her until she calmeddown.It occurred to Julia that this would be the last time sheever saw Cooper.She hadsuch strong feelings for him, stronger than she d everhad for any man, and now she dlose him just when she d found him.In an hour, maybe two, U.S [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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