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poprawiono: listopad 2011 r.]PAWEA SYDOR, TOMASZ ARKADIUSZ AABUZDEVELOPMENT OF BEACH AND COASTAL DUNE RELIEFIN THE POGORZELICA AREA AS BASED ON STUDIESOF SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURESMorpholithodynamic and hydrodynamic processes are the main ones shaping thecoastal environment.The main factors and conditions underpinning them are: wind,waves, changes in sea level, sediment differentiation and the presence of vegetation.The intensity of these processes changes constantly and is reflected in the layersof sediment building forms in the coastal zone.Sedimentological studies of thesedeposits allow the variability of these processes to be determined, in such a way thatstages to the development of the study area can be.The aim of the research carriedout in the Pogorzelica area was to recreate changes in relief through an analysis ofsedimentary structures.The study area is located along the so-called Trzebiatowskie Coast, 3 km to theeast of Pogorzelica, and hence at the 361 km point along the Polish coast, as mea-sured from the Gulf of GdaÅ„sk.This area is part of Poland s spit and bar coastland andhttp://rcin.org.pl Rozwój rzezby plaży i wydm nadmorskich w pobliżu Pogorzelicy 137is characterized by the occurrence of two dune ridges whose height ranges from 6.0to 10.0 m.Studies of sedimentary structures characterising the beach and dunes in the Pogor-zelica area reveal stages to the development of relief.Measurements on the beach arein turn indicative of seasonal changes.The beach from the summer was seen to be nar-rower and steeper than that present following the winter season.It was also possible toobserve material accumulation in the upper and lower parts of the beach, as well as lossof material in the middle part.Sediments retain traces of five storm surges at whichtimes the water line reached to the base of the dunes.Sediments from the summerbeach in turn preserved megaripples reflecting intense confluence after a storm surge.The results reveal a high level of variability to the beach sedimentary environ-ment, wherein the main agents in the lower part are waves and sea-level changes.Inthe upper beach, up to a height of 2.5 3.0 m, reconstruction is caused by inflow dur-ing storm surges.In the spring, the aeolian factor works towards the reconstruction ofthe beach destroyed in autumn and winter.Analysis of dune sediments pointed to a range of different developmental trends.Inthe past there were periods in which accumulation was dominant, during which newdunes were created and old ones rebuilt; as well as periods of the domination of destruc-tive processes.The occurrence of the soil level relates to dune stabilization periods.Modern processes of erosion, including abrasion, mass movement and deflation indicatemarked variability to the width and height of the foredune.The coastal dunes resemble the beach in being highly variable over time, as is evi-denced by the structure recorded and the stages of development presented.http://rcin.org.pl http://rcin.org.pl [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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