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.I just think he would want me to loveagain.If the tables were turned, I would want that for him.I wouldn t want him to live his life outlonely and sad.My only hope would be that he d do everything he could to make sure Rhett knewabout me.I can guarantee I will do that, teach him all about his daddy, but I gotta live on, Momma.She took me into a tight embrace. Yes, you do.Kori, I am so proud of you, darlin , so very proud.I want you happy, and if Reed makes you happy, then I m happy. Thank you, Momma. Well, what s with all the tears in here? My daddy s voice filled the silence. You two know Idon t like seeing my girls crying. He wrapped his arms around us both, pulling us into a hug. It s good tears, Daddy.Rhett squealed, and I looked around my daddy to find him at the feet of the handsome new employee.His ocean blues called out to something deep in my stomach.His eyes were absolutelygorgeous, and that chiseled jaw almost had me melt in a puddle on the floor.Rhett was slamming atoy tractor against his leg, and he was laughing, rubbing his head. Gavin, meet my grandson, Rhett. My daddy turned back to face me. This beauty right here is mydaughter, Kori.Gavin nodded. Nice to meet you, Kori. The handsome stranger smiled, and it was almost asbeautiful as his eyes.***Over the course of the day I had helped around the farm; I was sweaty, dirty, and a complete mess.Cleaning stalls was never a chore I enjoyed.Gavin started at one end, and I at the other.We met inthe middle just before sunset. So Gavin, where you from? I asked as I scrubbed at my arms over the tub of water. Savannah. That deep grumbling voice made my pulse pick up a little more.He stepped upbeside me, and his manly scent filled my senses.I tried my best to remain calm and not lean towardhim to inhale a little deeper.That was all I needed, for him to notice me sniffing him.Talk aboutcreepy, being sniffed by the farm-girl.When Gavin leaned closer to share the tub, I heard someone clear their throat.Looking over myshoulder, I found Reed standing in the doorway, holding Rhett in his arms.Seeing him made me forgetall about the man next to me.Reed was the kind of beautiful that instantly made my mouth dry and myknees wobble.He wore two day old stubble and those damn cowboy boots peeking out from underhis jeans.Oh, and did I mention his thighs& so thick and muscular, his jeans molded over them. Who s your friend, Kor? I instantly knew by his tone that he was thinking this scene was morethan it was.I dried my hands on my jeans and walked in the direction of the doorway, doing my bestnot to laugh or even smile at Reed s obvious jealousy.Placing my hand on his forearm, he stared past me in a silent warning to Gavin. This is the newguy Daddy hired to help out around here.Gavin, meet Reed.Gavin stepped closer and held his hand out to Reed.The two exchanged a friendly handshake andshared a few quick words.Gavin excused himself to go clean up, and I could see Reed s shoulders relax.I tried, but Icouldn t hold back a giggle.His gaze shifted to mine, and I covered my mouth. What s so funny, Giggles? You.With his eyebrows scrunched, he asked,  Me? What did I do? You are so jealous right now. I took Rhett from him and began walking toward the house.It wasactually pretty chilly out, and I wanted to get inside where it was warm.Reed quickly followed me and wrapped me in his arms from behind. I feel like we just turned acorner, Kori.I don t want anything setting us back. His lips skimmed over my temple setting offthose familiar chills once more. Do I have anything to worry about with this guy?I shook my head and whispered my answer. No, nothing at all. Turning my head just slightly, myeyes locked with his.Reed was so damn sexy.He made it really hard to take things slow.Right here, right now, I washaving difficulty remembering how cold I just felt.With Reed s body so close to mine, with his lips just inches away, I felt like I was on fire from the inside out. I came here to ask you to have dinner with me.We can eat at your place this time, so it s easierfor Rhett. It didn t go unnoticed that Reed s eyes continued to shift back and forth between my eyesand my lips. Momma already invited us to eat here.Do you wanna stay too? She made enough.Beef stew andhomemade biscuits.Turning around to face him, Rhett reached for Reed.It still hit me deep each time I saw themtogether.It was a bittersweet feeling, and with each day it got a little easier to love. If you think it ll be okay with your parents, he questioned, holding Rhett close for warmth. They love you, I m sure they already expect it. Grabbing his hand in mine, I led him toward thehouse. Chapter NineteenThanksgiving had come and gone.We spent it at my parents house.Of course they invited Reedand his daddy.That was an eventful day.Reed s dad was a man who could make you laugh at a wake.He had the greatest personality and smiled more often than not.He was genuine and a joy to havearound.Seeing my father and Reed Sr.carrying on together warmed my soul.With Rhett and Reedright in the middle, you couldn t help yourself from feeling warm and fuzzy.Christmas was fast approaching, and things between Reed and me had stayed on the slow train.There were many nights of kissing until our lips were numb.Those nights were real common, butnothing more.I knew it was me holding us back, it was just hard to let go.In the back of my mind onequestion would eat at me; was I moving on too quickly?I had a habit of using Maria and Rhett as buffers.If they were around, it was easier to control mydesires for Reed.There was no way to stop the feeling of need around a man like him.It was there, itwas strong, but it terrified me.Tonight I let Maria convince me to have a girls night.Instead of the normal night out at Lucky s,we were going out for dinner and a movie.Reed asked us to stop by, but I wasn t sure we would.He d been working at the bar a lot more lately because one of his bartenders quit.The situation kepthis nights and days pretty full, between that and all his side jobs.I missed seeing him daily, even though it made avoiding taking the next step with him that mucheasier.*** Are you ready yet? My hell, girl, it is just dinner and a movie, Maria hollered down the hallwayas I was finishing with my makeup.The bitch could roll out of bed looking like a million dollars, andit annoyed me.She could get ready in ten minutes and look like it took hours. Yes, twatwaffle, give me five damn minutes. I groaned and continued to apply my mascara.Mycell phone vibrated against the countertop, interrupting me.Please stop by later, I miss you.It s been three days since I got a kiss from the prettiest girlin town.RWhat have you been doing then, kissing all the others, keeping your lips warm? K No way, your lips are the only lips I wanna feel against mine.Think about it.Seeing yousure would make my night better.RWe ll see.KHave a good time.R Hey Mar, I think we may stop by Lucky s after.Just for a few minutes.It seems someone missesme. I felt like a school girl with a crush.He missed me, and that felt nice to know.I had beenmissing him too.***Four hours and a few drinks later, we walked into Lucky s.The band was playing, and the placehad to be almost at full capacity.Working our way through the crowd, we went straight for the bar.Istopped abruptly, and Maria ran into my back. What the hell, I think my titties are now inverted.Her wisecrack didn t even register as funny.My eyes were focused on what was happening infront of me.Reed stood just at the end of the bar, shirtless.That alone would have been just fine, he is prettydamn sexy.It was the three girls who were currently hanging on him while the fourth took a picturethat made my stomach turn.The girls were all young, pretty, and very flirtatious [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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