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.Mary Jo is stay-ing.The bowed shoulders stiffened.Diana went on, beforeMary Jo could object.She could only hope that Mary Jo snormally quick intelligence would be too fogged by emotionto spot the fallacies in her reasoning.God knows she hadlearned the techniques of making the most of a specious ar-gument. I ll tie her up and feed her with a spoon if I haveto.I need her as much as she needs me and I hope shecares as much about me as I do about her.Hasn t it dawnedon you, Mary Jo, that Larry might be after me, not you? Hekilled my brother.And if he knows who I am All three of her listeners spoke at once. What came over you all of a sudden? Walt demanded. Brother? Andy gasped. What brother?Mary Jo had whirled around.Her eyes were bright withunshed tears, but as Diana had hoped, astonishment madeher forget her own predicament. Have you got proof? Not yet.But I m convinced now that  Wait a minute, Andy shouted. Everybody seems toknow what you re talking about except me.Who the hell areyou? Who the hell is your brother? What the hell is goingon?Diana s brief explanation left him even more bewildered. The guy who worked here last summer? The one thatquoted Emily Dickinson and.He s your.And youhaven t heard from.Excuse me, lady, but I don t followyour logic.If that s what it is.He didn t write you for threemonths, so you decided he was dead? And then you decidedto track him down by coming here under an assumed name,which meant you couldn t ask questions  Leave her alone, Andy. Mary Jo came to Diana and puta protective arm around her. It s been eight months, notthree, and he d never failed.Oh, hell, take my word for it,her reasoning makes very good sense. Huh, said Andy. You were in on this too, Walt? Under duress. Vanish with the Rose 197 What duress? The feeling that she might be right, Walt said coldly. Oh.Yeah.Okay, I ll buy that part of it.But what she didmakes no sense at all.Why not come here openly and askpeople about Brad? That crack on the head must have addled your brains,Mary Jo said. Think about it, Andy.Andy thought.Diana leaned against Mary Jo s thin shoul-der, wondering how she could have been so dim as to missthe obvious.The way to win Mary Jo s friendship, and thefierce loyalty that would accompany it, was to ask for help,not offer it. Oh, my God, Andy said after a moment. You didn thave the infernal gall to suspect my mother, did you?The outrage in his voice brought a smile to Walt s lips andmade Diana laugh ruefully. Not after I d met her.But bythen there was no graceful way out of the mess I d gottenmyself into or so I thought.I was.worried sick.Thatsounds trite, but I guess it s literally true.I wasn t thinkingclearly.I had already made up my mind to come clean withEmily and Charles; that s why I told her I d stay till they gotback. So you did. Andy s frown relaxed.After a moment hesaid quietly,  I hope you re wrong, Diana.I liked Brad. I hope I m wrong too.But I m horribly afraid I m notwrong.After what happened tonight  Larry certainly demonstrated he is capable of killingsomebody, Andy agreed. You all knew that, Diana said. I wasn t thinking ofwhat he did.I was thinking of what of what he saw.Yousaw it too, Andy.I know you did.And Mary Jo.She couldn t go on.The memory caught at her voice,blocked her throat. What he saw? Mary Jo repeated in a puzzled voice. The cops, you mean? No. Diana tried to clear her throat, without much suc-cess. I didn t.I thought you.Andy s eyes narrowed as he watched her. Take it easy,Di.A little delayed shock, maybe? I wouldn t try to talk if I 198 Barbara Michaelswere you.How about a nice hot cup of tea? I could use onemyself. I ll get it. Mary Jo straightened. You want something,Walt?Walt caught the almost imperceptible motion of Andy shead. I ll come and help you.The two went out together. He thinks he s keeping awatchful eye on her, Andy said. Not a bad idea, actually.But I didn t want him to hear either. She didn t see it? She was flat on the floor trying to get her breath backafter I fell on her.She probably wouldn t have believed it ifshe had seen it.She s the ultimate rationalist [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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