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., , , , , , ;Field, David Dudley, , named minister to France, ; relationsField, Maunsell B., with France, , Fillmore, Millard, , , Denison, George, First Bull Run, –Dennison, William, , ; as postmasterFitzpatrick, Benjamin, general, , , Flanders, Benjamin F., –Díaz, Porforio, Floyd, John B., Dix, John A., , , , ; and New YorkFoote, Andrew Hull, –, draft riots, ; on prisoner exchange,Forney, John W., , , Forrest, Nathan Bedford, Dixon, Archibald, Forsyth, John, Douglas, Stephen A., , , , , , ; asFort Fisher, –,  presidential candidate, –, ;Fort Pickens, ; relief of, , , , –,presidential run, , Douglass, Frederick, , Fort Pillow, , , Dow, Neal, Fort Sumter, , , , ; relief of, –,Dubois, Jesse K., , –Dunlap, Lloyd A., Fox, Gustavus Vasa, , ; background,DuPont, Samuel F., ; and Fort Sumter crisis, –, , ,; as assistant secretary of the navy, Early, Jubal A.: and Washington raid,Franklin, William B., –, , , ,–, , ; in Shenandoah Valley,; at Fredericksburg, , , , –, Fredericksburg, , ; battle of, ,Eckert, Thomas T., , , , –Ellet, Charles, –Frémont, Jessie Benton, Ellsworth, Elmer, , , , Frémont, John C., ; in Missouri, –,emancipation, –; commands Mountain Department,Emancipation Proclamation, , , ,, ; dismissed, ; presidential, , , , , , –,candidate, , –, , Frost, Daniel M., Evarts, William M., Fry, James B., Everett, Edward, , , , Fulton, Charles C., Ewell, Richard S., Gantt, Edward W., Farragut, David G., , ; New OrleansGettysburg, battle of, expedition, , ; and Mobile Bay,Gettysburg Address, , , Gillis, John P., i n d e x349Gillmore, Quincy A., , Gurley, John A., Godwin, Parke, Gurley, Phineas, Goldsborough, Louis, Gurowski, Adam, , Gordon, John B., Gwin, William M., Gosport navy yard.See Norfolk navy yardGrant, Fred, Hahn, Michael, –Grant, Julia Dent, Hale, Joseph A., Grant, Ulysses S., xi, , , , , ,Hale, Sarah Josepha, , , , , , , , ,Halleck, Henry W [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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