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.At first, I thought it was sweet that he walked me to my room, but not I was beginning to get creeped out.I did not want company, not tonight, and Mike was lingering.“I’ll be fine Mike,” I said opening my door.I was dropping major hints.“But thank you so much, you’re too good to me.”Mike’s smile faltered for a second, then slipped back into place.He walked over to where I stood by the door, “I want to be more than good to you Lee, I like you a lot,” he leaned down and kissed my cheek.I froze.“I just want you to know you have other options, there’s better out there than Kyle Carter.” He left and I swear I could not move my feet even if I wanted to.What in god’s name had just happened?LEEI slept badly last night, I had been worried Kyle would come to my room.I need not have bothered; he never came.For some strange reason, I was upset about that fact.I was better off though, he was wasted last night, and usually when there was alcohol involved, our discussions went one of two ways.Either we broke out in a massive argument or we ended up ripping each other’s clothes off.I couldn’t stand the thought of feeling used again so I guess it was better this way.I was up, showered, and dressed by eight thirty, which was pointless because I was off work for the weekend, two whole days to myself.I didn’t know what to do with myself.I heard a door open on my way down the stairs.“Lee, wait up,” Kyle called out from behind me.I thought about running but there was really no place I could go, I was going to have to suck it up and face him, “What do you want Kyle?” I looked back at him.He was closing his bedroom door.“I was thinking we could do something today?” I frowned at him, as he tied the buttons on his red and black plaid shirt.I tried not to stare at his bare stomach or the line of dark hair near his belly button, disappearing under the low-slung jeans he had on.It was harder ignore, now that I’d seen where that treasure trail led…“ You haven’t spoken to me in a month Kyle.Why do want to do something together now?” I asked when Kyle reached the step above me.His eyes were bleary, and had dark circles under them.I guess that’s what he got for getting so trashed last night.“You have the day off, I have the day off.Why not?”That was the most disappointing reason that could come out of his mouth.I shook my head, and walked down the rest of the stairs.I needed to get out of here.Go for a walk and clear my head, I’d planned on apartment hunting today, but honestly I didn’t have enough to rent a room let alone an apartment.“No, wait, wait,” Kyle rushed after me, yanking me back from the front door, “That was stupid, I didn’t mean it like that.” I exhaled heavily, “What did you mean?”“I just want to talk to you Lee.I want to spend some time with you, where it’s just you and me.Can you give me a chance to fix this?” His blue eyes sliced through me and my resolve wavered.“What did you want to do?” I asked.My brain was screaming at me not to do this, my heart was compelling me to hear him out.He smiled down at me and opened the door, “I’ll do whatever you want me to do.” I dragged my gaze away from him, “I’ll let you decide,” I whispered, grabbing my coat off the back of the door.KYLEShe was in my truck.This was good.It meant I had time to explain things.But so far the only words that had come out of my mouth were ‘you’re welcome’ when she thanked me for helping her with her seatbelt.I tried to focus on the road, but my eyes kept drifting over to the passenger seat.Goddammit she looked adorable, wrapped up in her khaki coat.She had the hood pulled up and the furry bit framed her face.She looked like an Eskimo.The sexiest fucking Eskimo I’d ever seen.“You cold?” She turned to face me; her nose was red.“Yeah, I guess I’m not used to the Colorado weather,” she said, giving me a tight smile.“This is mild.Wait until the snow comes.” She shuddered and I couldn’t help chuckle.She looked so damn cute.“So have you any plans for Halloween next week? Trick or treating?” What a stupid fucking thing to ask.God I was a douche.My plan was to keep her talking long enough that she would feel comfortable and open up to me again.I needed to know what Cam had meant.It wasn’t curiosity anymore, it was necessity.I had to know.“I’m not a big fan of Halloween,” she replied quietly, “I’ve never been trick or treating.” I looked at her again and she was frowning.“What? Never?” Lee shook her head, “No, have you?” Even I, the kid who’d be passed from pillar to post had been trick or treating as a kid, albeit my costume had usually consisted of a black bin bag over my shoulders and dollar store mask.Still, I had done it every year until I grew out of it.Kids loved trick or treating.“Why didn’t you?”She shuffled around in her seat, fidgeting with her hands.“I was never allowed,” she said softly.She looked so sad, I wanted to reach out and hold her hand.But I was too scared that she’d reject me.“Why?” I couldn’t help myself.I wanted to know more.I wanted to know everything about her.“You would have to ask my father,” she said, “He was very…controlling.” Her lips tightened.What the fuck kind of father didn’t let his kid go trick or treating.It made me wonder.“Did you like school when you were growing up?” I asked as we passed the college campus.“I enjoyed the learning side of it.” She was being implicit [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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