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.Thesmall stretch of beach was elbow-to-elbow with Viking long-ships, and there had to be at least ahundred ungrounded ghosts roaming around.In the center, a ring of Eirik's men stood, all ofthem looking at a redheaded man who was swearing up a blue streak at Gunn."I will not be summoned this way! You have no right to call me here now, and for that, you willpay!""Oh, blow it out your butt," Gunn said.Loki's mouth hung open for a moment.Gunn turned to Imogen and said in a lower voice, "I've always wanted to tell him that, the selfaggrandized little twit."Loki roared in anger."Get over yourself already, will you?" Gunn asked."No one is impressed.Eirik asked me tosummon you, so get a grip and do whatever it is he wants so I can get my girls back to the t-shirtcontest.""Wow.Tough chick," I said in an undertone to Ben."They have to be.They're warriors, too, remember.""Yeah.I just wish she wasn't pissing off Loki.I'm going to have a hard enough time to get him tohand over Tesla as is."I'm here with you, he said, making me feel almost invincible.Would you like me to deal withLoki for you ?No, it's my problem.Tibolt gave me the valknut, so I have to do this, but thank you for askingand not just going ahead and doing it.He smiled.You are welcome.Imogen lectured me earlier about not allowing you to grow.I amtrying to give you the space you need to learn about your powers and abilities.Thanks.I really appreciate that.And I appreciate more you being here when I need you.Istepped forward, pushing between Isleif and Gils to enter the ring of Vikings.Gunn looked at mecuriously.Loki snarled when he saw me."You again?""Yes, me again."I raised my chin and tried to look as tough as Gunn."I want my horse back,Loki.I want him back now.In exchange, I will return to you this valknut."Loki laughed, his voice booming back from the rocks in a horrible double echo."You foolishmortal.What do you think you can do to force me to give you my descendant?"I gestured toward the ring of Vikings."My friends are here to help me take you down if youwon't cooperate."He sneered at them."A handful of long-dead warriors.They are no match for me."The Valkyries stepped forward, joining the Viking ring."Valkyries… bah.A bunch of women playing at being men," he snorted.Imogen grabbed Gunnas she spat out a curse and started toward Loki."There are also other Viking warriors here," I said, nodding at the groups of ghosts that Eirikhad convinced to help him.They stood in clusters in a semi-circle around us, watchingeverything silently.Loki sent them a mocking glance."I fear no man, dead or alive.Is this all you have, mortal?You're wasting my time."Uh oh.He doesn't seem to be worried at all, I told Ben.I thought seeing all those Vikings wouldhave him changing his mind.You made him listen to you before, he answered.What did you do ?I showed him the valknut.But he just seemed mad I had it more than he feared it or anythinglike that.If he wants it, that means it has some power.Use it, Fran.Use it how? I don't know how to do any of that sort of magic.I'm just a psychometrist !It was given to you for a reason.It has power that you can use.You just have to figure out howto access it.I pulled the valknut from beneath my top, holding it in my hand for a moment.Ben was right—it did have power.It tingled against my palm as if it was waiting to be used."I havethe Vikingahärta."Loki's smile got a whole lot nastier."But you do not know how to use it.You have twiceengaged my anger, mortal.Now you will feel my wrath." He raised his hand like he was going tosmite me, or do something equally godlike, but Ben stepped in front of me."You will have to go through me, first."Loki laughed again."As if a Dark One could stop me? Prepare for annihilation."I thought you were going to let me do things my own way? I asked, poking him on the shoulder.There are limits to my patience.This is one of them.I can't make him do what I want if you won't let me try, I pointed out.And I cannot allow him to harm you.If you are dead, you won't help Tesla.He had a point.OK, how about this — we do it together.Ben didn't like that, I could feel the need within him to protect me, but he isn't my boyfriend fornothing.He pushed back that need and said simply, Very well.We will do this together.You willattempt to barter — if he refuses or attacks, then I will take over.Deal.I moved around to his side, letting my arm brush his just because I liked the feeling."LokiLaufeyiarson," I said in a loud voice, pulling the valknut over my head and laying the chain andpendant across my palm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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