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. So she satback and watched.Somehow, she missed Diana getting hold of the gun, butmanaged to fire on her just as Diana fired on Seth.Abby felt slightly sick. Is Diana in this hospital? Please let her be dead,please let her be dead.Andi shook her head slowly. Beth fired to save you both, and to do that, sheneeded to make sure Diana was down for the count.She didn t plan on killingher, but in the darkness her shot was slightly off the mark.Diana died instantly.When the fire from Seth s town house spread into the woods, Diana s body wascaught in it.It was pretty much destroyed.Either that, or one of the Neph had dealt with it in his own unique way.Hadn t Seth told her one of them used fire as a weapon? The odd thing is, the town-house fire did little damage to the surroundinghomes.Those fire breaks really worked.Gotta love quality construction, right? 209/222 Right. Another thing she should probably chalk up to the fire-wieldingNeph.Abby felt relief pour through her.She sagged against the pillows. It sreally over, then.Andi nodded. This time, it s finally over.Beth came to visit her about a half hour after Andi left.She seemed hauntedsomehow, dark circles under her intelligent eyes attesting to the fact that shehadn t slept much.Abby was both glad and terrified to see her. Beth.I want tothank you for what you did.Beth shrugged off Abby s thanks, slinging a big white stuffed bear onto thebed and slouching into the visitor s chair next to the bed. How are you feeling?Any better? A bit, yeah.I m hoping to go home in the next couple of days. Has Seth been in here yet? He was here last night.I think he went home to get some sleep, though.Helooked exhausted.A small smile crossed Beth s lips. Yeah, he did.Abby frowned. You spoke to him?Beth nodded. Yes.I had to let him know what was going on. Beth leanedforward and rubbed her hand wearily over her face. Piotr wanted to make surethe two of you were safe. You mean he wanted to make sure Seth was safe.Beth grinned. Yeah, he was my primary assignment.You were pro bono.The grin faded from Beth s lips. Nothing happened for weeks, and then the firestarted.I was watching the back of the houses and didn t see Diana go in thefront door.All I saw was the flames.I dialed nine one one and wound up justmissing you as Diana carted you off into the woods. Beth gave Abby a look thatcould have curdled eggs. You should have known better than to step out of thetown house without Seth, Abby.He was the only thing holding Diana back. Yes, I know.And I have the feeling Seth s kicking his own ass more than he llkick mine.Beth smiled. Probably. She leaned back in her chair, stretching her long legsin front of her. You willing to take karate with me now?Abby nodded. I think I can find some way to fit it into my busy schedule,yes. Good. Some of the strain seemed eased from her face. Do me a favor? What? Don t ever do that again, okay?Abby pouted. Aw, but it was such fun! I got to fly first class, and see Piotr sestate  210/222Her words were cut off by a large white bear that came flying off the bed intoher face.Beth eased her foot back onto the floor. See the benefits of karate?Abby spit fake white fur out of her mouth.Beth cleared her throat. So.About the whole. She flapped her handsaround her shoulders like a bird.Abby coughed, choking on fur bits. Yeah.Care to explain that one? Beth s brows rose. If you can?Abby grinned. He s my guardian angel.Beth rolled her eyes. Fine, don t tell me.I have the feeling I don t want toknow. Did Dante show up? Yup, and he chewed me up one side and down the other.The man s an ass.Ahot ass, but still.He sent me home, said he d get my statement later but that hehad to  secure the scene.  Beth made air quotes. Like I don t know not to stepon evidence, even when it s burnt to a crisp. Did you tell him about ? Seth? Do I look insane? As soon as Seth saw me the  she made the flutter-ing motion again,   completely disappeared.Then he makes up some asininestory about being an alien.I told him he s a terrible liar, and I d find out on myown if I had to. She cocked a brow at Abby. Good luck with that. You suck.Abby relaxed.Beth didn t know about Dante. You can t tell anyone. Who d believe me? Other than you. And Grace. How much do you want to bet that Grace already knows? Sucker bet. Yup. Beth stood and straightened her glasses. You tell your angel to takebetter care of you or I m shooting his ass next.Got it? The glare Abby receivedwould have scared anyone who didn t know Elizabeth Rand and her overpro-tective streak.Seth belonged to Abby, so Beth wouldn t touch a hair on his head. Got it. Abby nodded anyway.Better to be safe than sorry.Beth left as the nurse came in. How are we feeling this afternoon? Sore.The nurse smiled. I can get you some pain meds once I talk to your ob/gyn.Abby blinked. Say what?The nurse appeared shocked for a moment before the professional maskslipped into place once more. I m sorry, your fiancé warned us last night that it 211/222was possible you were pregnant.When we ran the tests, they came backpositive. They did? Abby put her hand on her stomach.A baby? And Seth alreadyknew? Congratulations, by the way. The nurse s smile dimmed as she stared atAbby. You seem a little pale.Maybe I should go get someone. Yeah.You do that. She was going to have a baby.Seth s baby.A Nephilim baby. Oh, boy. She d known pregnancy was a strong possibility, but she hadn tthought about what having Seth s child would involve.She d love him or her nomatter what, but. I need to call Marian. If anyone could tell her what to expect when raising asuperhero, it was Seth s mother.* * *That evening, her parents came to visit her.They were understandably upsetover what had happened to her, and extremely grateful that Seth and Beth hadbeen there to save her. He seems like a nice young man, Kevin said, putting a pot of her favoriteyellow daffodils on the table near Andi s orchids. You spoke to him? Abby asked as nonchalantly as possible.She reached outto touch the pot of daffodils lovingly. Well, yes.He called to let us know what had happened to you. Carol sat onthe edge of the bed and gave her daughter a hug, careful of her injured rightarm [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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