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.The air carrier was largeenough to hold five members.He hadn t finished working on the aether unit, so it could only hoverover the ground with a set of three tiny aether rings that circulated along the bottom.It would takethem to Mount Khamaree, but from there they would have to set out on foot.Ramiro volunteered to remain behind.The group set out immediately, rearmed and loaded withsupplies.Israel held the map as Zephyr piloted Wyvern. Turn here; we want to be farther east.A path will cut through the mountains and lead to anopening, where it looks to turn into an unnamed forest.Methuselah should be in that forest, Israelinstructed.The ancient map was torn further from its rough handling as they d crossed the ice fields.Zephyr raced to the mountain, sheers of ice and scraggly clusters of trees so small they couldn tbe considered forests.Zephyr pulled Wyvern to a stop at the foot of the mountain.Damir stared up atthe gigantic peaks.Zephyr started back up, coasting along the edge until they discovered the narrowpath that began at the base of Mount Khamaree.Zephyr cut the engine to the Wyvern.The ship lowered to the ground with a small whine.Thewinds had died down.Damir wrapped his scarf tighter and looked up the path, just wide enough for asingle person to pass.He swallowed and adjusted his grip on Drachenseele, which had been revertedback to a bow.Israel passed the map to Zephyr, who took the lead.Elma followed behind Damir and Israel, andBalin brought up the rear.Zephyr wanted to try and make it through the mountain, but with so muchdaylight already burned, he didn t know if they would be able to.Tall peaks surrounded them.Razor-sharp drop-offs formed as they rose higher.A cold windwhistled through the mountain, weaker compared to the steady jet stream that had blown across theIce Fields. It s so cold, Elma said after an hour of climbing.She pulled her coat closer and came to a stopwith Damir.The path curved into a naturally formed bridge of ice.Snow drifted off to the side.Helictites had built down the cliff of the mountain, sheered teeth of ice and limestone that could tearthrough flesh and bone.Mount Khamaree was a monster all its own, riddled with crumbling rocks andice columns, icy slopes, and deadly stalagmites.Zephyr eased across the narrow bridge first.Once on the other side he said,  It s steady but goslow.Israel crossed easily enough, followed by Damir.Elma stared down at the bridge and then to thesteep drop below it. Princess Elma? Balin asked.She glanced at him. You go first, she said with a wave of her hand. I think it s better if you go first, in case something comes from behind, Balin stated. It ll be okay, Princess.I ll be on the other side waiting for you, Damir called to Elma.A coldwind tore through the channel and blasted against Damir s face.Elma let out a weak yelp and grabbedonto Balin s arm.Once the wind had passed, Elma inched her way across the path. Damir waited at the opposite end as Elma eased along the icy bridge.Another hard wind blew,snow falling in curtains.Elma threw her arms out, held her balance, and waited for the breeze to diedown.She hurriedly continued across the bridge, releasing a sigh when she reached solid ground. See? It wasn t so bad, Damir said as he patted her arm.Elma rolled her eyes.Balin set a heavy boot down on the bridge and prepared to cross.Just as he made it halfway,another wind whistled through, a strong blast that slammed into him.His body rocked to the side.Frantically he swung his arms out.His feet slipped in the snow and slid out from under him.Damircould only watch in slow-building horror as Balin was pitched backward, his arms flailing, desperatelygrasping for something anything to hold onto.Damir let out a cry and threw his body down on the ice, slid across the snow, and reached out.Helocked his hand around Balin s.His grip was a bind that would not break.Balin outweighed him, andDamir could feel the muscles in his arm burn as they stretched. Hold on, Damir pleaded.Balin dangled perilously for a moment.His free hand hung behind him.Damir gritted his teethand dug his feet into the snow, tried to gain traction.Balin swung his hand up.His fingers grappled theside of the ice bridge.Zephyr and Israel grabbed ahold of Damir s legs and pulled.Damir hauled Balinup with a grunt of exertion.Damir dragged Balin across the bridge to the other side.His heart pounded furiously, threatenedto burst in fear.He scrambled over to Balin, didn t think as he ran his hands over Balin s body,pushing his coat aside to inspect for any wounds.So close.Too close.Twice they had come to the cusp of finality, the edge of death.Damir felt a sob thicken in histhroat, form a rock that choked him.Balin smoothed his hand over Damir s cheek. It s okay.Shh, I m fine.I m okay.Damir shook his head.His mouth sought Balin s.Balin continued to pet Damir s hair, murmuredagainst his lips reassurances that didn t seem to penetrate Damir s walls.Balin drew back, and Damirfollowed, refused to break their kiss for even a second.A dark shadow crawled across the horizon and blotted out the sun.It was a giant airship, a swordthat sliced through the clouds. I hate to break up the moment, but we need to move, Zephyr said, looking at the sky [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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