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. Charlie would be alive if I had made him saveRebecca.But he wanted to face Jason.I knew Charlie couldn t do it; he was justhuman.He had no special powers.But I let him go, Carlos, knowing he could die. Mi corazón, you couldn t stop it.That was what he was meant to do, to facethat beast.You did not kill Charlie. How can you say that? I yelled, trying to keep myself together. I watchedhim go.I watched him walk off to his death.I told him I d do all that I could, and Ifailed him. Did you save his daughter? Yes, I said hesitantly.Carlos kissed my forehead, then my nose and along my eyes, finishing with asoft brush of his lips against mine. You take on the world, mi corazón.I knew that when I saw you on the soccerfield.You want to be a hero; you want to save the world.You can t save everyone,though.You can only try to.You didn t fail Charlie; you promised him you d keephis daughter safe, and you did.I pushed myself up and stared down at him.He slid his hand down over myheart, gently tapped his hand in time with my heartbeat. Bum-bum, bum-bum, he said, keeping rhythm. Bum-bum.I watched him, unable to pull away.He kept tapping, kept countingheartbeats. Bum-bum.Do you hear?I nodded slowly, hesitantly. Strong, steady.The heart of a brave warrior.Don t ever forget, mi corazón,that you have the power to change the world.Just believe in your own strength, inyour heart, Carlos said, stilling his hand. The Hunting Moon 117I leaned forward and sealed my mouth over his.I could taste the beer on histongue, and I loved it.His hands slid up my back, and I sank back under theblankets.We made love that night, taking it slow, caressing each other and teasing, andlistened to the rising pace of our heartbeats.* * *The Hunting Moon had not been affected by its recent bad publicity.It wasalive with a colorful mix of people, ranging from the young and horny to the lonelyand desperate, and everything in between.Carlos was standing close to me as wewalked in, his cologne billowing lightly around him.I was drowning in it, my mindlingering back on the night before.I had given in again to the voice in my head,against my better judgment, and let my desires take over.Carlos had filled me, and slowly we had built to a crescendo, a carefullyorchestrated opera made up of our panted breaths.He had held me in a way no oneelse had.Tenderly supporting me, letting me set the pace.Magical didn t seem likea strong enough word to describe what it felt like. You okay? Carlos asked, leaning forward.He had swept his hair back into aFrench braid that gave the illusion of short hair. Fine, mutt. I glanced out over the dance floor and away from his handsomeface.It had been a tough decision on what to wear tonight, mostly because I had tofind a way to conceal my gun.Wearing a leather jacket had been out of the question,because I d burn up.So I had traded it in for one of my black suit jackets over a blueplaid button-down and a black fitted tee.Carlos reached over and slid his hand into the back pocket of my jeans. Really? Because you aren t acting like it.Maybe I could help you relax?I smacked his arm, gave him a shove for good measure. Carlos, we re trying tobe discreet.Carlos chuckled.He took his hand out of my pocket and straightened his olivesafari jacket as we walked deeper into the club.The music was loud, almostdrowning out all conversation.Opposite the DJ booth was a stage, which was beingset up for a live performance. So what are we looking for? I asked, leading the way to the bar.Carlos slid onto one of the stools, the polo he was wearing stretching over themuscles in his chest.All I wanted to do was lead him to the bathroom and see howmuch of last night we could recreate.I needed to keep my head out of the fuckingclouds and into the job. What can I get you boys? the bartender asked, her blonde curls pinned upand bouncing around her heart-shaped face.She had smears of glitter beneath herhazel eyes, which brought out the traces of green in them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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