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.Herzer could see some bits of mystery meat embedded in it."Hey!" Earnon shouted."I didn't get any lunch, neither! Why the hell does heget extra?!""Because he didn't sit on his ass all afternoon," Jody answered to a chorus ofchuckles."If you don't have something to eat, you'll be useless in themorning.And you deserve it.""Thank you," Herzer said, taking the bowl carefully.After a moment heshrugged and sucked it down just as fast as the beans.Jody chuckled and set the bowl on the pile with the rest."Don't worry aboutit; the cooks will clean up.""Okay, folks, here's the deal," Jody said, striding over to where most of thecutting crew was finishing eating."You can walk back to Raven's Mill or youcan stay over on this side of the river.If you stay here, I'll show you someways to make a shelter.Either way, breakfast is before dawn tomorrow.So if you stay over there you'd better get somebody to wake you up and walkback or you'll miss it.""What's for breakfast?" Earnon asked."And why can't we just eat over there?"Page 149 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Because you don't get chits for meals, yet," Jody said."We're feeding youfor your work.And this is where we're feeding you.Any other questions?""How do I get out of this chicken-shit outfit?" Cleo Ronson asked with abitter laugh."Any time you want you can walk away," Jody said."And if I hear enoughcomplaints you will be out of this outfit.Any more questions?""Same thing on the agenda tomorrow?" Mike asked."Pretty much," Jody said."We need to clear a large area by a couple of weeksfrom now.We're going to work on cutting for three more days, then clear thelogs and burn the trash.After that we'll work on making some rough buildings.Then you'll be done with this portion and I'll get another crew."He looked around and nodded."Okay, grab the tools and stack them and we'llstart making some shelters from all this trash."Herzer grabbed his axe and carefully stacked it, feeling a massive andunexpected wave of fatigue flow over him.Before he knew it, it was all hecould do to stay on his feet.He listened while Jody explained how to make alean-to.But in the end, between his swollen and puffy hands and hisoverwhelming fatigue, he couldn't find the energy for the effort.Taking oneof the blankets that had been provided he went over to the giant tree that hadmissed felling and collapsed onto one of the large roots, resting his headpartially on it and partially on the dirt.Before he could even squigglearound to get comfortable he was asleep.* * *"You need some sleep," Edmund said as he entered the wooden hut that had beenset up as a temporary hospital until there was time to build a real one.Danehwas at a bucket of steaming water, washing her hands as Rachel and anotherwoman scrubbed at blood-covered tools."Don't start," she said tiredly."I've had to do two amputations today, onemajor and one minor, while trying to get the heads of all the women in thecamp around the fact that they're about to start bleeding.""We need to talk about that," Edmund said."You've requisitioned just aboutevery scrap of cloth in the town for this and all the unspun cosilk.We haveother needs, Daneh.""I know, but this one is a right now need, Edmund," she snapped."I'm runningout of bandages.And the women are either going to have the material or they're going to runaround bleeding all over the place.Which would you prefer?""Do you need so much is what I'm asking, as pleasantly as possible," Talbotreplied, taking a deep breath."We need the cloth in making tools.We need itto repair clothes; most of the people's clothes are getting to be in tatters.""If we don't need it all, we'll turn it back in," she replied."We won't bethrowing any of it away; the women are being told to wash the material andreuse it.We'll only use as much as is needed.And this is for the benefit ofthe whole camp, Edmund.""All right, Daneh," he said with a sigh."You said that you've talked to thewomen in the town, what about out in the camps?""I hadn't even given it a thought," she said tiredly, looking out the openwindow to the darkness."It's too late now.""And you're needed here," Edmund continued."Rachel.You're doing it.Tomorrow.Go to each of the camps and all of the groups that are going throughfamiliarization.If anyone gives you any trouble tell them to come see me.Talk to all the women, tell them what's going to happen and that we're gettingmaterials ready.""Yes, sir!" she said sarcastically."You're still young enough for me to turn over my knee, young lady," Edmundsaid with a smile."Watch that tone."Page 150 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Oh, I wouldn't wantDaddy mad at me," Rachel said, again snippily [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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