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."I'myounger and in much better shape for this.Praz, how you doing?""I'm going to die tired," Praz grunted but kept moving."Kildar, be aware, the pursuing group is in view of you," Adams said.Mike heard a round crack overhead but they were most of the way across thevalley, at least three hundred meters away, and muj shooting was notoriouslybad.All they had to do was make it to the tree line."Fuck," Praz grunted, stumbling to his knees and then back up."Took one inthe body armor.""You okay?" Mike asked as he slithered down the bank of the main valleystream.It was wide and shallow, easily fordable, instead of the mountaintorrent they had crossed on the hillside.For that matter, it offered amoment's cover but they couldn't stay there."Fine," the sniper said, shaking his head."Let's go."They scrambled up out of the stream with rounds cracking around them anddarted across the last open area to the woodline, reaching that concealmentwithout anyone getting hit again."Spread out," Mike said, handing Lasko his gear and moving to the east."We'regoing to have to shoot and move towards the trail." He dropped behind thestump of a fallen tree and started searching for targets.The Chechen forcehad moved out into the valley and was running towards them but they were morethan four hundred meters back.He lined up one guy who was gesticulating and pushing some of the laggards,taking him down.He jacked another round into the Mannlicher and shot the nextguy in view.Praz was engaged as well and Mike had taken down five targets when theChechens hesitated and then began running back for the opposite tree line.Bythe time they'd gotten there, Lasko was finally shooting and before theyreached the trees there were twelve bodies scattered on the green field.Thefarmer's ox, meanwhile, had wandered away to the west, away from the gunfire."Lasko," Mike called."Move up the hill to the east.Stay concealed as much asyou can.Move about thirty meters, find an overlook spot, then call.""Yes, Kildar," the Keldara said.Mike could hear him move out, barely; thehunter was remarkably stealthy.Mike spotted a Chechen moving on the far hillside and lined him up.He firedand saw the man drop out of sight, dead or at least wounded.Okay, maybe justPage 134 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlscared and fast.Some of the men on the ground were only wounded and one was crawling backtowards the tree line.Mike let him get about thirty meters from the tree line and then carefullyshot him in his remaining good leg.The man waved at the tree line for help,dropping back to the ground, then lifting himself up."You're a bastard," Praz said."Wait for it," Mike replied.Sure enough, a Chechen darted out from cover,running to the man's side."Yours," Mike said.There was a crack from Praz's rifle and the "rescuer" fell to the ground."Kildar," Lasko said, over the radio."I am in position.""Go, Praz," Mike called."Leapfrog past Lasko."There was a sudden fusillade of shots from the far tree line and anotherChechen darted into view.Mike ignored the shots, most of which weren't evenmaking it to their position, and again waited for theChechen to reach the injured man in the field.This time, though, he shot himas he lifted the man up."You are a bastard," Praz said over the radio."I'm in my spot.Lasko's wellup the hill; don't get in his line of fire."Mike pulled out of his position, moving slowly up the hill from bush to bush.The trees gave plenty of concealment but he wasn't willing to take chances atthis point."Kildar," Lasko called."I can see the main force of the Chechens at theopening to the trail.They are closing on your position.""Roger," Mike said, swearing faintly."I'm heading for the trail.You two,keep the second body under fire.When the main force gets fully in view, headstraight up the hill to the first switchback."Back Next|ContentsFramedBack Next|ContentsCHAPTER TWENTY-NINEMike quit trying to move slowly, instead going as fast as he could on thesteep hillside, moving from one handhold on a tree to another.In a fewminutes, he reached the trail and looked out towards the south.The main body of the Chechen force was deployed in the field with a machinegun setting up to the west.He dropped to his knees and lined up the machine gun, taking out the gunnerand AG and then darting onto the trail.At this point he was about fivehundred meters from the Chechens and while he was in sight he was dependingupon the distance and moving to avoid being hit.The machine gun might havegotten him, they were better for long distances, but so far the Chechens'personal shooting had been no great shakes.He stepped onto the trail and looked back at them, waving his rifle over hishead and then putting it to his shoulder.As the group opened fire, hecarefully lined up one of the fighters and shot him through the head.Then heturned and ran up the trail.The first bend was less than twenty meters awaybut by the time he reached it the trees around him were dropping leaves fromthe flurry of shots.The trail was steep and any time he came in view of the valley he took fire sohe had to hurry.By the time he got up to the area of the defile, he waspuffing and blowing hard.Page 135 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Adams." Mike gasped."You see me?""Got you in view, man," Adams replied evenly."Come on through."Mike looked up the hillside from the defile as he ran through but even knowingthere was an ambush up there, it was hard for him to spot the positions.Adamshad apparently spent the night carefully laying in the ambush and the Keldarapositions were fully covered and bunkered.The most noticeable thing was thatmuch of the vegetation on the uphill side of the defile was gone.But even theplaces where there had been scrub had been filled in with fallen leaves so itlooked nearly natural; the fact that they were firelanes was almost impossibleto spot.A few lumps at the base of trees were probably claymores covered byfallen leaves but Mike couldn't spot so much as one bit of wiring or detcord.It was unlikely the Chechenswould spot the ambush until it was triggered."When you get to the next switchback, Otar will guide you into your hide,"Adams said."Where are the bad guys?" Mike asked, slowing down.The high rock wall gavehim all the cover he needed."There are three groups," Adams said."The group that was to the west that waschasing you is moving over to the main group.That's split with one groupheaded for the trail and another heading straight up the hill.I don't see anysign of the mortars.""Russell, you there?" Mike asked."Here, boss," the Ranger replied."Can you see what's going on?""Negative, we're on the back side of the hill to lead Vil in.""Send Vanim on a sneak over to the other side of the hill," Mike said after amoment."Tell him to see if he can spot the mortars.If they open up,definitely try to spot them.We don't want them engaging Vil's group,especially.You two may have to take them out.""Will do," Russell replied [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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