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. Hmph, she sniffed, visibly irritated to have been interrupted.She didn t appear theslightest bit ashamed to have been discovered foraging in another woman s belongings. I m sorry.I don t know exactly what I should call you.We were not properlyintroduced this evening. I am Selene, the Countess Pavlenco, the woman announced.Pride sparked in herdark eyes.Why would the countess travel with Lord Black if they were not married? Were theylovers, or did they share some other relationship?With that curiosity burning in her mind, Elena continued their introduction with aquestion. Forgive my boldness, but is there a.er. A Count Pavlenco? Her ladyship assumed a doleful, entirely unbelievable expression. I grieve his loss to this day. My sympathies. You are too kind. She leaned casually into the V of the open wardrobe and rested herarm along the top edge of the door.Rich, faceted gems shimmered on her fingers. Obviously, I have carried on.  Is there something I can help you with? Elena seated herself on the velvet coverlet atthe end of the bed. I find myself in need of a night rail.Elena kept the look of surprise from her face.A night rail? So personal a garment?What woman did not travel with several? I see, she responded carefully. Your trunks have not arrived? Of course they have. And you do not have a night rail amongst your things? It wasn t good manners to beso blunt in one s questioning, but neither was it polite to dig around in another person sprivate belongings.At least they were on an equal footing of sorts.Full lips curved into the most cutting of smiles. Not one, I m afraid. Her teethgleamed brightly. I forgot how prudish Archer s English servants could be.The countess certainly dropped enough hints that she and Lord Black were involved insome sort of romantic affair.Common sense warned Elena, like a wet slap in the face, toforget her attraction to his lordship, and keep herself as far away from him and hispeculiar associates as possible.In all likelihood he would not remain in London long, andany dalliance, emotional or otherwise, would end only in pain.Elena said,  To your left, in the middle drawer.I prefer the one on top, but you mayborrow either of the others.Selene disappeared into the shadow of the wardrobe, and Elena heard the rattle of thetiny silver handles.After a moment, the countess twisted round with the garmentplastered against her front.Her eyes narrowed with displeasure above the prim, highcollar.The hem hung at an awkward length between her knees and ankles.The sleeves fellshort as well, giving her a distinctly Amazonian appearance.She smiled tightly. I hadn t realized you were such a child.Elena wasn t really all that petite, but statuesque did not begin to describe the countess. I can only offer more of the same.There is a matching robe behind you.Certainlytomorrow you can visit the shops and find something more suited to your tastes.LadyPavlenco, are you cold?The countess tossed her head. I m famously hot-blooded.Why do you ask? Your lips. Elena leaned forward, squinting. They re.blue.Not really blue, but smudgy and dark.  Oh, hmmm. Selene licked them and swiped a thumb across.The smudginessdisappeared, almost as if it were ink.Blinking rapidly she announced,  Likely his lordshiphas returned by now.I ought to go to him before I am missed.Elena answered without thought,  He won t be back until later.The countess stiffened from head to toe. And how would you know that? We found ourselves at the same social event this evening, and he indicated he wouldnot be returning directly.Selene paled.She took a few steps toward the bed, the wadded night rail clasped againsther breast.Her shoulders convulsed, and she pressed a hand against her mouth. Des phénomènes relatifs.The words burst from her lips almost as if they had been belched.Such a familiarphrase, still Elena couldn t place it. My lady, are you all right? she asked, now feeling a twinge of regret for the woman,for obviously her emotions and passions hinged very much upon his lordship.A warningalarm sounded off inside Elena s head.Was Lord Black such a dangerous man to admire?Selene dropped to the coverlet beside Elena.All confidence and fire appeared to haveabandoned her.Another spate of words burst from her lips. A la polarisation rotatoire des liquides. She struck a balled fist against the centerof her breasts.Elena stood. I ll call for some tea.Sometimes that settles the  I m fine, Selene growled, grasping Elena s forearm and pulling her back down besideher.A rap sounded on the door. Yes? Elena called.Mary Alice stepped inside, the coal bucket still hanging from the crook of her arm. Ithought I heard voices.She bobbed shallowly before extending an envelope. Your ladyship, a message has arrived for you.Selene leapt up and snatched the missive.With her thumb she broke its red wax seal.Feline eyes scanned the card within. Huzzah! she exclaimed.Her gaze skimmed over Elena dismissively [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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