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.I knew he wantedyou-and he wanted to change you into one of them.I had to protect you fromthat."Mary-Lynnette said almost steadily, "I knew you wanted to protect me.I couldtell, Jeremy." She was feeling over the furrowed hemlock bark behind her.Howcould she attack him when she didn't even have a stick for a weapon? And evenif she had, wood was no good.He wasn't a vampire.Jeremy stepped back.Relief washed over Mary-Lynnette-for one second.Then shesaw with horror that he was plucking at his shirt, pulling it off.Andunderneath.there was no skin.Instead there was hair.A pelt that twitchedand shivered in the night air."I followed you here and I fixed your car soyou couldn't leave," Jeremy said."I heard you say you wanted to be avampire.""Jeremy-that was just talk."He went on as if she hadn't spoken."But that was a mistake.Werewolves aremuch better.You'll understand when I show you.The moon looks so beautifulwhen you're a wolf."Oh, God and so that was what he meant by protecting her, by making herunderstand.He meant changing her into something like him.I need a weapon.Rowan had said silver was harmful to werewolves, so the old silver-bulletlegend must be true.But she didn't have a silver bullet.Or even a silverdagger.A silver dagger.a silver knife.Behind Jeremy the station wagon was almost invisible in the clouds of smoke.And by now the smoke had the red glow of uncontrolled fire.It's too dangerous, Mary-Lynnette thought.It's about to go.I'd never make itin and out.Jeremy was still talking, his voice savage now."You won't miss the NightWorld.All their stupid restrictions-no killing humans, no hunting too often.Nobody tells me how to hunt.My uncle tried, but I took care of him-"Suddenly the creature-it wasn't really a person anymore-broke off and turnedsharply.Mary-Lynnette saw its lips go back again, saw its teeth parted andready to bite.In the same instant she saw why-Ash was moving.Sitting up, even though his throat was cut.Looking around dazedly.He sawMary-Lynnette, and his eyes seemed to focus.Then he looked at the thingJeremy had become."You-get away from herl" he shouted in a voice Mary-Lynnette had neverheard before.A voice filled with deadly fury.Mary-Lynnette could see himchange position in a swift, graceful motion, gathering his muscles under himto jumpBut the werewolf jumped first.Springing like an animal-except that Jeremystill had arms, and one hand went for the yew club.The club smashed sidewaysinto Ash's head and knocked him flat.And then it fell, bouncing away on thecarpet of needles.The werewolf didn't need it-it was baring its teeth.It was going to tearPage 78 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlAsh's throat out, like the horse, like the hiker.Mary-Lynnette was running.Not toward Ash.She couldn't help him barehanded.She ran toward the car, intothe clouds of choking smoke.Oh, God, it's hot.Please let me just get there.She could feel the heat on her cheeks, on her arms.She remembered somethingfrom an elementary school safety class and dropped to her knees, scramblingand crawling where the air was cooler.And then she heard the sound behind her.The most eerie sound there is-a wolfhowling.It knows what I'm doing.It's seen that knife every time I pry off my gas cap.It's going to stop me.She threw herself blindly into the smoke and heat, and reached the car.Orangeflames were shooting crazily from the engine, and the door handle burned herhand when she touched it.She fumbled, wrenching at it.Open, open.The door swung out.Hot air blasted around her.If she'd been completely humanshe wouldn't have been able to stand it.But she'd exchanged blood with fourvampires in two days, and she wasn't completely human anymore.She wasn'tMary-Lynnette anymore.but was she capable of killing?Flames were licking up beneath the dashboard.She groped over smoking vinyland shoved a hand under the driver's seat.Find it! Find it!Her fingers touched metal-the knife.The silver fruit knife with the Victorianscrolling that she'd borrowed from Mrs.Burdock.It was very hot.Her handdosed on it, and she pulled it from under the seat and turned.just assomething came flying at her from behind.The turning was instinctive-she had to face what was attacking her.But whatshe would always know afterward was that she could have turned withoutpointing the knife at what was attacking her.There was a moment in which shecould have slanted it backward or toward the ground or toward herself.And ifshe'd been the Mary-Lynnette of the old days, she might have done that.She didn't.The knife faced outward.Toward the shape jumping at her.And whenthe thing landed on top of her she felt impact in her wrist and all the way upher arm.The distant part of her mind said, It went in cleanly between the ribs.And then everything was very confused.Mary-Lynnette felt teeth in her hair,snapping for her neck.She felt claws scratching at her, leaving welts on herarms.The thing attacking her was hairy and heavy and it wasn't a person oreven a half-person.It was a large, snarling wolf.She was still holding the knife, but it was hard to keep her grip on it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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