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. I don t know how long we have, she said over her shoulder as she entered the office.www.samhainpublishing.com 53 Lena Matthews Long enough, he replied, following close on her heels.On the way into the room she turned on thelight and then made her way over to the desk.Acting quickly, she removed the laptop and set it in a smallbag on the floor, before continuing to clear off the remaining clutter.Daniel closed the door behind them and locked it as he watched her.He liked the way her mindworked, especially since it was on the same wavelength as his.As soon as she was done she hopped on thetop of the desk and gestured for him to come to her.Aww, how cute.She thought she was running this. It s going to be awful hard for you to take offyour pants sitting on the desk. My pants& off. Yes. He leaned back against the door and crossed his arms. Off. You don t want to pick up where we left off out there. That is where we left off.Either out there or in here, I m getting a taste of your sweet pussy. But what if someone&  You better hurry up then. He nodded with encouragement toward her.  Cause the longer it takes usto come, the longer your shop will be without a baker. But&  Don t make me tell you again.Time s a wasting. Bully, she muttered as she slid off the desk.In a huffy manner, she kicked off her shoes thenreached behind her back to undo her apron.He watched as she dropped the soiled white covering on herdesk then reached under her shirt to unfasten her slacks.Once she was done, she placed her hands on hersides and pushed the black material past her hips.She stepped out of them when they dropped down herlegs and pooled at her feet.The sight of her once again dressed only in a shirt and her undergarments was a thing of beauty.Yvonne took his breath away.Daniel didn t think he could ever grow tired of watching his lover undress,only resentful of the time it took to get her naked and beneath him. Don t stop there, he ordered. Takeoff your shirt too.Yvonne brought her fingers to the buttons on her blouse, but paused. The way you re staring at me ismaking me nervous. Really? Because staring at you is making me hard.Her gaze lowered to the front of his jeans, then widened when she noticed the bulging truth of hiswords.Although to be fair, he d been hard since he kissed her in the kitchen, but watching her undress haddefinitely revved his engine even more. Am I&  Yvonne raised her heated gaze back to his. Am I the only one who s going to undresshere?54 www.samhainpublishing.com The Better to Eat You WithHer words surprised him.He didn t think she d have the nerve to ask for what she wanted.He wasvery happy to find out he was wrong. You want me to take something off? Yes. She nodded as she began to undo her buttons. Like what? Daniel grabbed the hem of his tee and raised it a little. You want the shirt off? Theshoes? Tell me what you want and it s yours. I want&  She licked her lips before continuing. I want you to take off your jeans.Daniel released his hold on his shirt and brought his hands to the top of his belt buckle. Why? Because I want to see you too.There was no way he was going to let her get off that easy. See my what? Your& your dick. No, baby, this dick&  Daniel cupped himself,  & belongs to you. I want you to show me my dick. Her voice took on a more confident tone that pleased him.He washers as she was his, and he didn t want there ever to be a doubt in her mind about it. Take off your panties, climb on the table and spread your legs for me.Any hesitation she felt she kept to herself as she made quick work doing as instructed.Once she wasbare from the waist down, Yvonne settled her ass on the desk, leaning back on her arms to brace herweight, and parted her legs.The position she was in caused her shirt to separate and her lace-covered breasts to thrust out towardhim.Yvonne was reminiscent of one of those sexy pinup models of the past, but better because she was liveand in color and at his merciless will. Damn, baby, you look mouthwatering. I kept my end of the bargain, she reminded him unnecessarily. It s your turn now.Since there was one thing and one thing only she was interested in seeing, Daniel went straight to theheart of the matter.He moved until he was standing directly in front of her then unbuckled his belt andundid his pants button.Careful of his straining erection, he slowly lowered his zipper and pulled the sidesof his jeans apart, before reaching into his boxers and freeing his aching cock to her heated stare.Knowing he had her full attention, he took himself in hand and began to stroke his shaft. Like whatyou see? Very much. I m pleased to hear that.Now pull your bra down and show me your breasts. Do you want me to take it off? she asked, sitting up. No, just down. Daniel s cock jerked in his hand when she did as she was told. Beautiful. Can I& ? She stopped, changing her tone. I want to touch you.As much as he wanted her to as well, Daniel knew he wouldn t be able to refrain from pushing herdown on the desk and sinking into her then and there if she did.Today was supposed to be a prelude ofwhat was to come, not the full shebang.www.samhainpublishing.com 55 Lena Matthews No, but if you want to touch something, touch yourself. Daniel dropped to his knees before her andpeered eagerly at the gates of heaven.Her cream was glistening on the tight, trimmed, dark curls of herpussy, but her desire was no match for his own.His hand kept up a steady rhythm on his straining cock ashe counted the seconds until he had his first taste of her. Move your hand to your pussy and open yourselffor me. Okay. Her voice was husky and filled with desire as she reached with a trembling hand and spreadapart the lips of her pussy.Daniel didn t need Ezekiel s dual-nature abilities to see or scent the evidence ofher arousal.She smelled as good as she looked.His mouth watered just looking at the tender flesh of hersweet cunt.Unable to hold back any longer, Daniel peered up at her from between her parted legs. Nowwhatever you do, don t let go.If you move your hand I ll stop.Do you understand? Yes. Good girl [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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