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.He worked with dedicated effort by day so noattention would be drawn to him, but even more diligently at night as hedelved into the secret of the spheres.The ascent was by now a mere routineand most of the evening could be spent in study.Still, the intensity withwhich be concentrated and the strain of anticipated discovery took their tollas surely as the labors of the day.At least tonight would be the last, Alodarthought slowly, his weariness suppressing even the excitement of the occasion.He knew enough now about this one facet of magic to start the ritual thatwould release the power of the spheres.He shouldered his pack and lookedabout the cubicle.The parapherniali a for the evening and everything that hewould need for a hasty journey were packed and ready.file:///F|/rah/Lyndon%20Hardy/Hardy,%20Lyndon%20-%20Master%20of%20Five%20Magics,%20The.txt (103 of 207) [6/4/03 9:25:36 PM]file:///F|/rah/Lyndon%20Hardy/Hardy,%20Lyndon%20-%20Master%20of%20Five%20Magics,%20The.txtIf all went well, the sun would find him free of the Guild and on the roadnorth back to Ambrosia.He crossed the courtyard quickly and soon was at the base of the library,grasping for his first handhold with a grip made familiar from much practice.In scarcely ten minutes he was at the top and through the curtains into thedeserted council chamber.Alodar lit his small candle as before, but this tune did not move to thedoorway in the center of the floor.Instead he carefully spread a silken scarfalong the surface of the table and removed from his pack the small box whichcontained his treasure.He opened the lid and felt immediately the aura ofpower that coursed up from his fingertips to permeate his entire body.He removed the scraps of parchment that contained his notes from the previousevenings of study.Everything he needed should be here; but if not, he could descend to the floorbelow and consult with the texts.He scanned the notes twice quickly and then began the ritual.Placing copperrings on each of his fingers, he grasped a small incense coffer with his lefthand and immersed it in the flame of his candle with his right.The perfumebegan to well upwards into the small confines of the room; in a minute, it wasalmost overpowering with Us sweetness.Alodar stood immobile as the smell penetrated his nostrils and filled hislungs.Concentrating not to cough, he counted heartbeats to one hundredthirty-seven and then struck a small triangle hung from a tiny frame with thecopper ring on his index finger.The chime sounded shrilly and, rather thandying away, rang in resonance with the structure of the ritual as it began totake shape.Alodar listened only half attentively as he pondered the step to perform next.But as he thought, he gradually grew aware of a slight tingling that creptalong the base of his scalp.His skin prickled as If scraped by a dull razorand a slight twitch tugged at his left eye.At first it was only an annoyanceto be shut out of his concentration, but the feeling grew in intensity andbegan to move over his head and down his neck to the rest of his body.Heshuddered involuntarily and felt a chill in his arms and lees.The trianglestill hummed, but rather than diminishing as it should, the tone deepened andgrew in power.The heavy table began to hum, and echoes bounced back and forthoff the sloping walls.Alodar raised his hands to his ears as the sound suddenly in-, creased todeafening proportions and the small band of metal grew red hot from the forcewith which it vibrated through the air.Something was obviously wrong.Alodar thought slowly, bis mind dimmed by thePage 108 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfury of the noise.Some other ritual was being enacted and interfering with his magic here.Before he could think more, the doorway in the floor suddenly flew open,bathing the chamber with light from the library below.Lectonil leaped up into the council room, and two other magicians pantedafter."As I suspected,"he said, "Beliac's deceit with the Guild is most complete.Despite hisprotests, he traffics our secrets even to the neophytes who would support him."Bring them forward," he motioned to the black-robed followers."Let Beliacbite on the fact that it is the ritual of presence that has led us to the lastof his crew of traitors."The shrieking stopped and Alodar felt his thoughts clear in a rush.Heimmediately dropped the triangle to the floor with a clatter and reached toscoop up hisfile:///F|/rah/Lyndon%20Hardy/Hardy,%20Lyndon%20-%20Master%20of%20Five%20Magics,%20The.txt (104 of 207) [6/4/03 9:25:36 PM]file:///F|/rah/Lyndon%20Hardy/Hardy,%20Lyndon%20-%20Master%20of%20Five%20Magics,%20The.txt spheres."Hold, neophyte, it is enough," Lectonil commanded and clapped his glovedhands together.A bolt of jagged yellow jumped from his palms and shot towardsAlodar with a blinding flash.BeforeAlodar could respond, he felt his arms thrift apart and backwards and hiswhole body suddenly lifted and slammed into the wall.As a sharp explosivereport echoed around the small chamber, his breath rushed out and his visionclouded from the force of the blow."Trifle not with a master magician, neophyte." Lectonil glared at him."Especially one with the gloves of thunder."Alodar opened his mouth to speak; but before he could, Beliac's voice rumbledforth from the stairway."And to what purpose do you rouse me from my studies, Lectonil?" he asked."The protocols must be observed, I insist.There is no basis for councilmeeting without the notice of two full days to bring all rituals in progressto a satisfactory halt.Your prattle about the danger to the remaining wyverncan surely wait a fortnight.""It is for a far more serious matter than the safety of a dragon that we arehere, Beliac,"Lectonil replied."We convene tonight to judge the most serious charge oftreason.Look, we have even caught your neophyte in the practice of ritual.Such disregard for the traditions cannot be condoned, regardless of the endsyou think they serve." Beliac looked across the room to whereAlodar lay and then stared at the two spheres still sitting hi the small boxon the table."I know not hi what foul practice this neophyte engages," hesaid, "but it is without my council or direction.I have had no discourse withhim since he was in this chamber over a month ago.I say as you that he shouldbe punished for his deeds.Bring forth the mirror of inversion and let us bedone with it His crime is none of mine.""Ah, but it is, Beliac," Lectonil persisted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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