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." He pointed a thumb at Shio and Shinju."Though maybe we can find some nicer ones.""Are nice, soft women all that you're up to handling then?" Shio asked tauntingly, leaning forward over the table, hair fallingover her shoulders."Pretty little ladies all you can take?"Setting down his ale, Luka leaned forward and smirked."I can take whatever you can give, sweetheart."file:///H|/NOVEL/New%20novel/2.htm[9/25/2009 10:21:36 AM] AmaSour FictionShio sat back, chuckling."We shall see, perhaps."Luka grinned and went back to his ale."I won't let you forget.""I won't forget."Raz almost smiled, watching the byplay."You should be flattered, Luka.""Oh, I'm definitely flattered."Shinju rolled her eyes and looked at Raz."Hungry, Raz? Want something to eat?"Raz shrugged and sipped his ale.All the talk of Ivan and his band leaving the country brought his own troubles to the fore.He wasn't certain he had the heart to steal anymore.Not without Pechal.Shio and Shinju were great but they weren'tPechal.Without his friend, his brother, he didn't want to do it anymore.Ivan seemed to sense his thoughts."You should come with us when we leave, Raz.We could use a thief of your skill.""Maybe," Raz said, and part of him badly wanted to go, leave it all behind, forget the way he hadn't been able to save theone person he cared about more than anything else in the world.How he'd let Pechal get taken, let him burn.His eyesbegan to burn and Raz chugged the last of his ale, hoping to banish the tears he'd thought had finally dried up.Part of his wanted to run away, but most of him wanted to stay.Most of him recoiled at the thought of ever leaving Pozhar.Even with the shadow that loomed over it because of the sacrifices, the several hundred who had had died simply becausethey'd dared to be born with a piece of a god no one actually remembered, he didn't want to leave.Pozhar was home.Heand Pechal loved it, had traveled miles of it while building their reputation or running from the authorities.He couldn't leave.Wouldn't leave.And there were still those green eyes to figure out.The ache in his chest that flared up every time he thought of the HighPriest.A mystery he wanted to solve.So many things he wanted to say& yet he wasn't sure what those things were."Raz?" Shio asked, and set the bowl of stew she'd had brought in front of him."Are you all right?""I'm not leaving," Raz said."I can't."Ivan frowned."Raz& staying in Pozhar will just cause you more pain.Don't you think you should get away for at least a bit?""Why do you suddenly care?" Raz asked, then immediately regretted the words."Sorry," he muttered to his ale."I don'tthink I'm myself anymore.""I'd imagine not," Ivan said calmly.Raz didn't see the glance he exchanged with the others at the table."Don't discount theidea of leaving entirely, Raz.Think about it, yeah?"Raz nodded, but his mind was already made up.He'd wait until the others left, a thought that was surprisingly painful, andthen go back to the palace.Finally figure out why the High Priest haunted him, why every thought of the man made him feellike he was being torn apart.He stared at his stew a moment, then lifted his spoon and began slowly to eat."So what do wedo until it's time for you to leave?" he asked."I'm not going to make much of a living if I have to lay low for weeks on end.Some of us don't have fancy foreign lovers to lean on.""I'd say he's still himself," Maksim said, roaring with laughter."So what does that make us, as we're the men leaning on theman with the rich, pretty lover?""Children or servants," Raz answered with a grin."Children," Ivan said, cuffing a laughing Luka upside the head."Definitely children.Who need to finish their ale and go tobed or something, before I beat you senseless.""Aw, dad," Isidor and Ferapont chorused together, "can't we stay up with you and mom?"Ivan glared.His men scrambled, chugging back their ales and rapidly finding somewhere else to be.Ivan chuckled."They are fond of you," Ailill said with a laugh of his own."I've never encountered a band quite like yours [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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