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. Yeah? What color s yours? I have a ghastly orange pair that I am planning on leaving at home as long as I can find somethingat the store before next week. Oh, you ll find something.I have faith.Maybe something red.You d look good in red, babe.It was his turn to blush, but he beamed up at Harry at the same time. I ll look for something red.When Harry Met Jason - 72 Harry looked hungry, looked like he needed.Jase could just burn up with it.He got caught in thatlook, in looking back, nearly missing it when their order was called up. Come on, babe.Let s go. Harry paid, grabbed the bags and headed out, cock hard in those tightjeans.He let Harry get a little ahead of him so he could admire that ass, too, and then he skipped to catchback up, happy and horny and hoping like hell tonight was the night.It didn t take long for them to get back to Harry s condo, which was good as the pizza wastorturing them with good smells, Jase s stomach rumbling like he hadn t eaten in a week.Harrylaughed and stole a kiss as he put the pizza on the coffee table. It s cool to just eat in here? It s your couch, man.I promise to try not to drop pizza on it, though. Sitting on the couch meanthe could be close enough to touch.Jase had discovered that food tasted way better if some part ofhim was touching some part of Harry.Oh, it was probably all in his head, but he was going with itanyway.Harry put his hat on a hook by the door, alongside his service pistol. I m not worried about thesofa. Cool. He sat on the sofa and opened the box, humming as steam wafted up. Oh, that smellsgood.I m hungrier than I thought. He patted the seat next to him, admiring Harry as the mancame toward him, his cock perking right up happily.They popped two beers, started chowing down, some beach volleyball showing on the television.Man, those men were fine.It was like legal, primetime porn. You ever played? he asked Harry. Not like that, but yeah, I know how. I bet you could give them a run for their money.And I d love to watch you. God, would he loveto watch Harry get all half naked and sweaty like that. We ought to go down to the beach and play sometime, babe.I bet you d be good at it too, you reso quick. You think so? He beamed up at Harry and then reached out to stroke shirt-covered muscles. Idon t have these. You have your own, huh? You don t have to be a big lumbering bear. God, those musclesjumped and shook, dancing under his fingers. You re not a bear and you don t lumber. No, Harry was beautiful, graceful.Strong.Sexy.JaseWhen Harry Met Jason - 73 found himself swaying toward Harry. Grr. Harry chuckled, leaned toward him.He was laughing as their mouths pressed together.This kiss was soft, sweet, tentative -- for aboutten seconds.Then Harry groaned and opened up to him.Jase s hands slipped up around Harry sneck, holding on, moaning into the kiss.He pressed close, desperate for contact.Harry groaned anddragged him onto those hard, heavy thighs, right into Harry s lap.His knees fell to either side, his legs spread wide.He felt wanton and needy, and all it took was aroll of his hips to have their groins pushing together, his cock dragging along the hardness ofHarry s. Babe. One hand was on his ass, pushing him closer, rolling them together. Harry!  Gasping, whimpering, he rubbed, hands wrapped in Harry s collar as he tried to mergeright into Harry. I.We re supposed to be. Harry groaned, leaned back and dragged him closer. This, he murmured, fingers tugging the bottom of Harry s lovely shirt out of the studly jeans.His fingers found skin, sliding on it, his hips working faster.Harry felt so good and he d wantedthis for so long. Uh-huh.This.Want you, babe. One hand slid in the back of his waistband.Oh, God. Yes.Yes, please, Harry. He was begging, he knew it, but he didn t care.He wantedHarry so badly and the feeling of that big hand pushing into the back of his jeans was nearlyenough to get him off. Come to the bed. It wasn t a question.Not really.He nodded anyway. Yes, Harry.Please. Whatever Harry wanted, as long as they could keeptouching and kissing and getting on with the coming, which he was going to do really soon if hecould just get more skin.Harry stood up.Just stood up, holding him in those arms, and carried him to the bedroom andHarry s big bed.So strong.God, it just made him hornier. My, what big arms you have, he murmured, tastingHarry s neck. Told you.I m a big old bear. Harry swallowed, groaned.Dumped him on the bed.It was a big,solid bed, the covers dark grey.Very manly.Like Harry.When Harry Met Jason - 74 He laughed, breathless and happy, so hard he ached.He opened his arms up to Harry. Too faraway, my big bear. Let me. Harry pinked, but started stripping, showing off that fine skin, those muscles. Oh.yes. He nodded and leaned up on his elbows, moaning softly and licking his lips.Harryreally was beautiful.A stud. You too, huh? I mean, if you want this. Oh! Right! He began to strip as quickly as possible, to make sure Harry absolutely realized thatyes, he wanted this.There would be no room for doubt. I want you, Harry.I ve wanted youforever. Okay, so he was exaggerating a little, but he had wanted Harry as long as he knew theman. You re.Damn, babe. Harry was so hard, cock full.He would have felt self-conscious lying naked in bed with Harry looking, except Harry soobviously liked what he saw, so instead he was just eager to have Harry in his arms. I m waiting,he said softly. You are.I need you. Harry crawled down on the bed, lips brushing his belly.The touch was electric, making him jump and gasp, his fingers going to Harry s short hair, trying tofind enough to hold onto. I want you. Harry moved up, groaning a little. My balls ache from it. Mine, too, Harry. He slid his hands over Harry s shoulders, over his back. I ve wanted yousince I first saw you. Once I start loving you, I m not taking it back.He shivered.No one had ever wanted him for more than a quick fuck or two.Nobody but Sammyand they weren t lovers like that.Like this. Please, Harry, love me. Yeah. Harry s lips landed on his, the kiss hard and deep and enough to steal his breath away.He bucked up, wanting Harry to know he wanted just as badly.Hell, he needed Harry from hishead to his toes.Arms wrapping around that big body, he spread his legs, offering himself over.Their cocks slid together -- bare and slick, heated and side-by-side.Harry was thick, the tip wet andsliding on his skin.Crying out into Harry s mouth, Jase wriggled and writhed beneath Harry swonderful weight.He gasped each time their cocks met as they rubbed together.This is what he dbeen waiting so long for, this kiss of skin on skin.When Harry Met Jason - 75 Harry wasn t holding anything back for him, either [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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