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.I stood alone in the middle of it all, looking around at the carnage.Nick had rushed to the HoodedSwan, but I knew she'd be all right.There'd been nothing within a hundred yards of her, and the Aegispeople wouldn't have touched her.She could take the blast waves.Eve came over to stand beside me, and Johnny rolled the maiden to a stop close by one of the Caradocships.He got out on the side that was toward me, while Keith Just got out the other side, and held thedoor while he beckoned to Varly.I was looking at them, and my gaze took in almost incidentally the factthat that particular ship's engines were undamaged.The possibility dawned almost without reference to consciousness."Hey!" I shouted."Come away from-"I was interrupted by the explosion.I spun around and dropped reflexively.Eve screamed.The moment the silence returned, we were all running toward the spot.We shouldn't have been, becausewhere there's one charge which hadn't gone off there might be more, and we ought to have been Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlworrying about our own necks.Johnny was OK, because the maiden had screened him, and the maiden herself was OK.But Keith Justhad been thrown over her front end, and he was laid on the floor like a rag doll.A circle collected aroundhim in no time at all, and a lot of breath was held tight until Charlot slapped the lawman's face and we allheard him moan out a vicious curse.Within half a minute, he was able to sit up again, and a careful inspection of various bits of his bodyenabled Charlot to announce that he was only bruised.The charge had been placed right up inside thebackblast unit, and most of the shock had travelled downward into the innocent earth.Holcomb was busy trying to apologise.But his tone suggested that it was only because it was expectedof him.I saw Trisha Melly standing near me in the group of anxious onlookers.I caught her eye withmine, and I said: "How do you feel?"She turned her back on me.Thanks for the fast action, I said to the wind.-Wasn't necessary, he said modestly.Thanks anyway, I said.I wanted to press the point because there'd been times in the past when I'd beenextremely resentful of his intervention in such situations.Since those times I'd grown to be a little moreappreciative of still being alive, and a little less choosy about how my survival came about.Nick and Holcomb between them got Just to his feet, and everything looked to be distinctly all right.Until Just collected himself together, looked around expectantly, and said: "Where's Varly?"11The next morning seemed to be an awful long way away from the one before.There had been no more murder, despite the provocation offered by Holcomb and his guerrilla tactics.A riot had been averted-but only just.The Hooded Swan had been converted into a jail despite the factthat the original bird had flown.Instead of Varly we had the whole Aegis contingent in "protectivecustody." The Caradoc police had rounded them up for Just, but once he had them under his wing hedecided to have nothing more to do with Caradoc, and he had deputised Johnny.Personally, I felt thatthis was not the wisest of moves, bearing in mind that Johnny was an inherently aggressive creaturewithout a great deal of discretion.But there was no doubt that Just could do with some help, and therewas no one else available except me.Quite apart from the fact that I had other things to occupy my mind, Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlit wasn't an appointment I would have welcomed.The problem of what to do about Varly was a particularly thorny one.Capella was all ready to devotehis full manpower to a big search, and no one could object to his doing so.But Just felt that he couldhardly lend official sanction to such a project.Nor could he mount his own search, having no sparemanpower and too much to do anyhow.The only thing he could do was post a "wanted" notice andallow things to take their own course.To add to the inherent difficulties of the situation yet further, Charlot seemed to be distinctly unwell.Wehad a conference after breakfast and it was obvious right from the start that he was in no condition tospend the day sifting data out at Caradoc's alien studies section.He sent Eve and Nick out withinstructions to seize as much of Caradoc's records as was humanly possible.We both knew this wouldbe an empty gesture, because if the Caradoc people did know anything, they would most certainly hideit, and we had good reason to believe that they didn't.As soon as they had gone, he said: "What about this ship that Caradoc has in space?"I shrugged."I told you virtually everything last night.It wasn't a very revealing conversation.Iinferred-but I could be wrong-that it's a battleship, standing by for orders from Capella.It looks to me asif Caradoc is prepared to defend this world against all comers if it can find a good enough excuse.Caradoc's problem is our problem.They badly need something that can stand up in a political brawl.They need a reason for defying the New Rome edict and bringing the ship down.Beyond that, they needsome evidence to back up their treaty in court and some excuse for discrediting us.That can always becooked up, but before they cook it up they want to know exactly what risk they're taking.They want toknow exactly how much they stand to gain from this operation.It'll have to be a lot, because it could bevery costly for them to begin thumbing their nose at New Rome and New Alexandria both.Personally, Iagree with Capella- it's far too big a decision for him.But he's the man with the can to carry home, andhe's sweating blood right now.I wouldn't like to guess which way he'll jump."Charlot looked pensive."We can't let them have it.We need our play quickly.We have to make it first.I'd lift the Swan today and be on New Rome in three days if I thought we had a chance of making agood move.But whatever we tell them, it has to be right.""Why?""Because this is only one round.There'll be other worlds, other inquiries.It probably won't be me thathas to sort them out, but it will be someone like me, and I have to leave him at least an even chance.Wedare not be wrong.""Look," I said, "you know that the political angles aren't in my line.I've just never had occasion to walkin the corridors of power where this friendly game of marbles is being played.I don't know where theultimate authority rests, or how it moves.But it seems to me that if Caradoc wants to start a campaign torule the galaxy, but is scared in case it gets stamped on, there are much better places to start a fight thanhere.They're coming from behind -it doesn't affect their position if they wait another year, or anotherdecade.There are always more chances.Surely, the line of least resistance here is for them to backdown.Capella's not a moron.He must know that.You must be able to reach him-to talk him into seeingreason.You and he don't need to be on opposite sides.You could sit down together and work out yourexcuses.Nobody in his situation can afford not to sell out.''Charlot stared at me sombrely [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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