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.No less appalling and depres-sing is the frame of mind of those charged with  solving or alleviating this problem.It is difficult to suppress the over-powering surge of moral outrage one feels as he looks at therefugees, hears the story of impartial people like those of UNRWA(let alone the refugee spokesmen themselves) and sees in hismind Mr.Eban s glib advice that the Arab states have a lot ofland and let them absorb these people.It is another thing to lookat a fraction of  these people and see them and their children BEASTS OF THE APOCALYPSE394as living human beings offered Mr.Eban s glib solution.And Icould not stand in these places remember that I am a Jew andnot cringe with shame and disgrace and I do not hesitate to sayit a hatred of  Jewish racism that created a state which nowsays these people cannot live in it because they are not Jews.* * * * * *David Ben-Gurion became prime minister.Moshe Shertok wasmade minister of foreign affairs and Chaim Weizmann becamepresident.Moshe Sneh, Haganah leader and Israeli delegate to the WorldJewish Congress in Switzerland, declared in July, 1948, that theSoviet Union was the  real friend of Israel.Who was it, of thethree great world powers, he cried  which set itself with steel-like firmness in favor of Jewish independence in Israel? Is thereone Jew who in his heart will not confess that it is the SovietUnion? In 1950 this same Jewish leader called for  closer rela-tions with the Soviet Union and the popular democracies in orderto  free ourselves from economic, political and military depend-ence on the United States.E.Shomornik, Secretary of the Young Communist League of Is-rael, writing to the Secretary of the Communist World Federation ofYouth (Paris), June 20, 1948, reported:  The whole of PalestineYoung Communist League is mobilized, and our comrades arein all parts of Palestine in the forefront of the battle.Said A.Raisky, French Jewish delegate to the 1948 World JewishCongress:  I take the right to turn from this platform to theAmerican delegation and through it to American Jewry: Bewareof the consequences of war hysteria and of anti-communist incita-tion.If you participate in this kind of policy, you underminethe existence of the Jewish state.James Forrestal s Diaries tell the shameful story of the UnitedStates participation in selling the Palestinian Arabs down the riverin return for Jewish campaign contributions and votes.As Secre-tary of Defense, Forrestal learned that both major poiltical partieswere attempting to out-bid the other for Jewish favor.He dis-cussed the problem with Senator J.Howard McGrath of RhodeIsland, at that time Chairman of the Democratic National Com-mittee.He writes that McGrath admitted that the situation wasserious.Forrestal learned that  Jewish sources were responsiblefor a substantial part of the contributions to the Democratic Na-tional Committee, and many of these contributions were made with a distinct understanding on the part of the givers thatthey will have an opportunity to express their views and have themseriously considered on such questions as the Palestine question.Forrestal comments:  I hoped Senator McGrath would give a lotof thought to this matter because it involved not only the Arabs of BEASTS OF THE APOCALYPSE 395the Middle East, but also might involve the whole Moslem worldwith its 400,000,000 of people Egypt, North Africa, India, Af-ghanistan.Forrestal goes on to say (page 347) that Jimmy Byrnes told himthat  Niles (David K.Niles), administrative assistant to the Presi-dent (Truman), and Sam Rosenman were chiefly responsible forthe President s decision (to accept Jewry s program); that bothhad told the President that Dewey was about to come out witha statement favoring the Zionist position on Palestine, and thatthey had insisted that unless the President anticipated this move-ment, New York State would be lost to the Democrats.Franklin D.Roosevelt, Jr.discussed the matter with Forrestal I had no power to make policy, Forrestal writes (page 363), but I would be derelict in my duty if I did not point out whatI thought would be the consequences of any particular policy whichwould endanger the security of this country.I said that I wasmerely directing my efforts to lifting the question out of politics,that is, to have the two parties agree that they would not com-pete for votes on this issue.He (Roosevelt) said this was im-possible, that the nation was too far committed and, furthermore,the Democratic party would be bound to lose and the Republicansto gain by such an agreement.I said I was forced to repeat tohim what I had said to Senator McGrath in response to thelatter s observation that our failure to go along with the Zionistsmight lose the states of New York, Pennsylvania, and Californiathat I thought it was about time that somebody should pay someconsideration to whether we might not lose the United States.The Secretary of Defense was no more successful with Byrnesthan he had been with McGrath or Roosevelt.Byrnes remindedForrestal that Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver was a close associate ofSenator Taft and that Taft went along with the Rabbi on thePalestine-Haifa question.Forrestal writes (page 347):  I saidI thought it was a most disastrous and regrettable fact that aforeign policy of this country was determined by the contributionsa particular bloc of special interests might make to the partyfunds.In his discussion with Senator Vandenberg, Republican leader,he learned (page 347) that the Republicans felt that they wereentitled to use the Palestine question politically, as the Democratshad been doing.So it was that the United States joined hands with the SovietUnion in pressuring partition of the Holy Land in the UnitedNations.The venal politicians of the United States wanted publicoffice.The sinister men in Russia s Communist Politburo wantedto lay the foundation for unrest in the Middle East and sow theseeds for World War III.Secretary Forrestal received the usual reward for his patriotism BEASTS OF THE APOCALYPSE396and courage.He was smeared, villified and run out of office andto his death.The Conference of the Allied Ministers of Education, formed inLondon during the war, was the nucleus of a United Nationsagency that ultimately became known as the United Nations Edu-cational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).WorldJewry had a special interest in this international brain-washingdevise.It was to be used to make the victims of Jewish worldaggression love their masters.In August, 1945, the EuropeanConference of the World Jewish Congress adopted a resolutiondemanding that the Jews be represented on the various organs ofthe proposed propaganda agency.Subsequently a Jewish mem-orandum was submitted to the delegation of forty-two nationsparticipating in the Assembly, proposing a series of amendmentsto the draft constitution so that the agency would more perfectlymeet Jewish requirements.Dr.A.Steinberg attended the meet-ings of the Assembly as an  observer for the Jews, and attendedthe sessions of its various committees.As a consequence, the finaltext of the constitution of UNESCO met most of the Jewishdemands.When the first General Assembly of UNESCO met in Parisin December, 1946, Mrs.A.Klausner, representing the World JewishCongress, submitted the Jewish report [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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