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.This was no empty threat. CHAPTER 7GHOSTSKerena returned to the warren.She had made her oath; now she neededto figure out how to implement it.She needed advice, and Morely was theone she most trusted. You need a base, he told her. Something equivalent to an Incarna-tion, but apart from the existing ones. What could that be? The greater and lesser Incarnations make up thefull complement, as I understand it. Maybe there is an alternative, Vanja said.Kerena was ready to grasp at any straw. What one? Vorely said the first separation was into Day and Night.All knownIncarnations are aspects of Day.What of Night?Kerena considered that. There may be one more Incarnation I can ap-peal to! There may be, Morely agreed. But I have never heard of that one.Iassumed that Night remains inchoate.Kerena focused her Seeing.The Incarnations of Day were there, scat-tered about the world, but there was no similar swirl of power for the night. It seems so, she agreed, disappointed. You have great power, Vanja said. Maybe you could draw on Nightto smite the fragments of Day.Kerena liked the way Vanja s mind worked. Let me study Night for awhile.She did.She remained at the warren, sharing Vorely with Vanja, and onoccasion making love with Vanja directly, while she tried to discover a key tothe power that might reside in night.But it was elusive, if it existed at all.Shewalked out in the night, extending her awareness, but it was unable to fix onanything specific.Vanja helped again. Where does your power come from, when youbend light around you or wade through rock?  I don t know.It just seems to be there. It must have a source. What are you thinking of? Could your power come from Night? As the Incarnations draw fromDay, could you be drawing from Night? It seems possible.If Night is inchoate, that power may be there to bedrawn on. So if you could discover the specific source of your power, you mightthen know how to address Night. And there may be as much power in Night as in Day, Kerena said. IfI could only harness it.Then I would be in a position to counter the Incarna-tions. Then you might, Vanja agreed. You are being very helpful. Vengeance is a thing I understand.You helped me obtain mine againstVichard. What happened to him? He is no longer here. He left the warren, and was killed elsewhere.I am not sorry. So your vengeance is complete. I suppose.I would be an old woman in my sixties now, had he let mebe. Instead of a lovely creature. I would have children and grandchildren.Kerena sighed. There can be imperfect satisfaction in that. Yet sheunderstood Vanja s disquiet.She had been denied the conventional life, andwhat she lacked had the appeal of lost fancy.People generally did favor whatthey lacked more than what they had.She focused on the source of her powers.When she guided light aroundherself so as to tolerate full day, or to become invisible, what did she drawon?She found it impossible to focus on that; she was too busy achieving theeffects themselves.If she focused on the process, she lost it.She needed a lessdirect way. The library, Vanja said. The what? The vampire library of the occult.It has existed as long as vampireshave, all the ancient information preserved.There should be answers there.Kerena found herself getting to like the vampire girl for more than herbody, just as she had once gotten to like Molly in the brothel. The library,she agreed.The library consisted of many ancient scrolls, maintained by a dedi-cated vampire named Keeper.He was enormously gratified to have the fa- cilities used. So few care, any more, he said. All this arcane knowledgegoing to waste.We have scrolls rescued from Alexandria before the Arabconquest, cuneiform tablets from Sumerian times  Alexandria hasn t been sacked yet, Vanja reminded him gently. Notfor another century, at least. Pardon, I do lose track.But they are worthy documents. You have scrolls from the future? Kerena asked, surprised. No, they exist today, or they wouldn t be physical.But they are des-tined to be lost, so we rescued them.Such things have to be done before thefact. Just as curses have to be nulled before they take effect, Kerena said,seeing a parallel. Exactly.Now how can I help you? I m sure you will be able to guide me in apt directions, Kerena said,stepping close and kissing him.Vanja had warned her that his assistancewas much more useful when he was well motivated, and that he had ex-pressed admiration for Verena s form and manner.So she was prepared tokeep him motivated by being his appreciative mistress while in the library.Itwas not only easy for her, she enjoyed it, so no fakery was necessary.Jolie found this interesting too.She had known Kerena possessed spe-cial skills and had a special destiny; that was of course why she was here tokeep it on track.But she hadn t known the intricate details of it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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